Page 15 - Braces News - July 2023
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Myth Buster 13



               รศ. นพ.กิดากร กิระนันทวัฒน์

            Current Positions                 Education and Postgraduate Training
            •   Associate Professor, consultant  August–     International visiting scholar of the Plastic Surgery
               plastic surgeon, Faculty of Medicine,   October 2017 Foundation and the American Society of Plastic
               Ramathibodi  Hospital,  Mahidol               Surgeons (PSF/ASPS), USA
                                                             •   International traveling fellowship in Rhinoplasty and
               University, Bangkok, Thailand                    Aesthetic Surgery
            •   Executive committee of the Society

               of Plastic and Reconstructive   May 2013–     Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
               Surgeons of Thailand (ThPRS)   June 2014      China Medical University Hospital Taichung, Taiwan
                                                             •   Clinical fellowship in advanced reconstructive
            •    Secretary-general of the Society               microsurgery and lymphatic surgery
               of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
               of Thailand (ThSAPS)           June 2008–     Division of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery Department
                                              May 2010
                                                             of Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University,
            •    Thailand national secretary and             Bangkok, Thailand
               Board of director of Rhinoplasty              •   Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Resident

               Society of Asia (RSA)          June 2004–     Department of Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol
            •   Thai representative of Council   May 2008    University, Bangkok, Thailand
               of delegates and executive                    •   General Surgery Residency
               committee of Asian federation
               of Plastic, Reconstructive and   April 2001–   Department of Surgery, Queen Sawangwattana Memorial
                                              May 2004
                                                             Hospital, Thai Red cross Society, Chonburi, Thailand
               Aesthetic  Surgery Societies                  •   General Surgery Trainee, 2002-2004
               (APRAS)                                       •   Internal Medicine Internship, 2001-2002
            •   Thailand national secretary of   June 1995–   Medical School Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi
               Oriental Society of Aesthetic   March 2001    Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

               Plastic Surgery (OSAPS)                       •   Doctorate of Medicine, M.D.
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