P. 1004

                      triflex  R  trifl ex  R | Series TRC·TRE·TRL | Accessories
                                Cobot mounting brackets

                                                        trifl ex  R
                                                     clip protector For robot
                                                                  arms with
                                              Bracket for trifl ex  R Ø
                                               40 with quick release human-robot
                                                  Suitable for highly  collaboration -

                                                     fl exible PMA
                                                  corrugated tubes  HRC clamps
                                                                  Moving energy for cobots made easy. Energy
                                                                  can be supplied safely along all axes thanks
                                               For UR3, UR5, UR10,   to clamping ring for the trifl ex  R e-chains  of
                                                  UR3e, UR5e and   our robots, also for collaborative robots.
                                                    UR10e robots  ● Plastic bracket
                                                                  ● Simple screw connection for attachment to
                                                                   the robot arm
                                                      Certifi ed by  ● Bracket for trifl ex  R Ø 40 with quick release
                                                                  ● Rounded MRK design
                                                                  ● For TRC, TRE and TRL e-chains ®
                                                                  ● For UR and URe robot arms

                       Overview trifl ex  R e-chains | For TRC·TRE·TRL
                       Principle sketch  Part No.  Bi1  Bi2   Ba     R     d1    d2   Pitch  Links
                                    Series        [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  per m
                                    Series TRC - enclosed design
                          d1  Bi 1
                                    TRC.40.058.0  15    13    43    058    13    11   13.9   72
                          d2  Bi 2
                                    Series TRE - "easy" design
                          d1  Bi 1
                                    TRE.40.058.0.B  15  13    43    058    13    11   13.9   72
                          d2  Bi 2
                                    Series TRL - light version of the "easy"-design
                         d1  d1     TRL.40.058.0  15     –    45    058    13    –    13.9   72
                          d1 Ba  Bi

                       PMA hoses overview | For PMAFLEX corrugated tubes
                       Principle sketch  Part No.  Corrugated tube   Metric  Inner Ø  Outer Ø  Static  Dynamic  VE
                                    Series  nominal width  size [mm]  d1 [mm]  d2 [mm]  R [mm]*  R [mm]**  [m]
                                      I-PIST-29B  29  32     29.0    34.3    45     110     50

                         *Static R = minimum recommended bend radius for static (fi xed) installation **Dynamic R = minimum recommended bend radius for dynamic (fl exible) laying

                       1002 More information

                    14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd   1002                                     05.06.23   18:59
                                                                                             05.06.23   18:59
                    14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd   1002
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