P. 1028
triflex R trifl ex R | RSE retraction system | Advantages
Cost-effective retraction system with deflection
Up to 500mm retraction
length with trifl ex RSE Cost-eff ective
For TRC and TRE with ø index 40 and 50mm
(matching e-chains must be ordered separately) system with
defl ection for
Delivered with
left or right fi xed
end already small robots -
assembled ®
trifl ex RSE
Custom connection
possibilities using Specially developed for robots with small
adapter consoles to medium cable and hose fi lling, the igus
trifl ex RSE retraction system off ers a way
Maintenance-free igus to prevent loop formation in the workspace
drylin W linear unit of the robot, even in highly dynamic
● For series TRC·TRE with ø index 40 and
Adjustable mounting 50mm
position ● Extremely fast response, even in highly
dynamic robot programs
● Low weight, very little reduction in robot
handling capacity
Open system, low ● Universal adjustable installation brackets
profi le design ● Maintenance and lubrication-free igus
drylin W linear unit
● For maximum degrees of freedom
● For cable diameters up to 18.8mm
Also for high accelerations
(due to low weight)
1026 More information ex-RSE
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 1026
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 1026 05.06.23 18:59
05.06.23 18:59