P. 1045

triflex  R
                        trifl ex  R | RSE·RSEC linear retraction system                       RSE
                        Cable length calculation
                        Calculation of the e-chain  total length | RSE·RSEC linear e-chain ®
                        Series  ø       Bend radius  Dimension A  Principle sketch     Direction A1
                             Index        R [mm]      [mm]   e-chains ®  total length  excess length
                        RSE  30.     ▼      –          –
                        RSE  40.     ▼     058        390
                        RSE  50.     ▼     080        390               Dimension A
                        RSEC 60.     ▼     080        390
                        RSE  60.     ▼     087        750
                        RSE  65.     ▼     100        750        Direction A6
                        RSE  65. (R 200)  ▼  200      750    additional length
                        RSE  70.     ▼     110        750
                        RSE  85.     ▼     135        750
                        RSE  85. (R 240)  ▼  240      750
                        RSE  100.    ▼     145        750
                        RSE  125.    ▼      –          –

                        To calculate the e-chain ®  total length:please add the additional length A1, the additional length A6 and the dimension A.
                        Additionally, at least 1 limit protector must be ordered




                                                              e-chain ®  total length =
                                                              Additional length A6 +
                                                              Dimension A +
                                                              Additional length A1

                        More information and installation height | RSE linear e-chains ®
                        ●  TRC series - closed design, chip protection, smooth outer contour   From page 968
                        ●  TRE series - "easy" design, very easy to fi ll, simply press cables in   From page 970
                        ●  TRCF series - closed design with snap-lock mechanism, chip protection, smooth outer contour   Page 972

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more exR 1043

                    14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd   1043                                     05.06.23   18:59
                                                                                             05.06.23   18:59
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