P. 1090

twisterchain | Introduction | Advantages

                                                                               e-chains  for circular and
                                                                                spiral movements up to
                                                                               360°* available from stock

                                                                             Smooth cable-friendly interior

                                                                              Crossbars openable along
                                                                               the inner and outer radius

                                                                                Modular; variable width,
                                                                                 height and bend radius

                                                                                    Stronger, higher fi ll
                                                                                  weights possible with
                                                                                      intermediate link

                                                                                   Highly dynamic and
                                                                                      smooth running

                       Strong, quiet and up to 360° -

                       circular and spiral movements -


                       The igus  twisterchain product line off ers an extensive range of products for circular movement and is available
                       in four sizes. Its modular width and radius design ensures it can be used fl exibly in applications with rotary
                       and spiral movements up to 360° and more, with high fi ll weights and where smooth operation is required.
                       twisterchain applications are available with modular guide troughs which off er: e-chain  guidance, reduced
                       e-chain  wear, optimal levels of smooth operation, angle of rotations up to 360° from stock.
                       ●  Strong, high fi ll weights, smooth operation, weight-optimised
                       ●  Rotary speeds up to 1m/s and more
                       ●  Circular/spiral movements up to 360° from stock (up to 400° upon request)
                       ●  Cable-friendly, smooth interior ● Crossbars openable along the inner and outer radius
                       ●  Successfully tested for over 1 million cycles in the igus  laboratory
                       Typical industries and applications
                       ● Robots, Handling machines ● Packaging machines ● Glass machines ● General machinery, etc.
                             e-chains ®  for circular movements up to 360°   UL94-V0 classifi cation
                             available from stock (up to 400° upon request)  upon request
                       1088 More information

                                                                                             05.06.23   19:00
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