P. 1117

twisterband | Product range | Installation dimensions               twisterband
                        e-chain  links on a strip

                        twisterband | Openable with fi lm hinge or with "easy" design

                        Part No.           Bi1   hi    X 1   X 2   ≥ R   ≤ R  ≤ d1   Opening principle
                        twisterband        [mm]  [mm]  ø [mm]  ø [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]
                        TB12. 23 .9. XX .01.0  23  9   40    140   24    35     7     "easy" design
                        TB20. 44 .12. XX .01.0  44  12  50   220   34    57     9     "easy" design
                        TB20. 44 .18. XX .01.0  44  18  50   220   34    57    14        lock
                        TB29. 27 .22. XX .02.0*  27  22  200  320  69    82    17        lock
                        TB30. 75 .22. XX .01.0  75  22  90   330   44    77    17        lock
                        More twisterband sizes upon request! *Note: Series TB29.27.22. rotary movement up to max. 720°
                        Base plates are delivered as standard and are part of the twisterband module!
                        X 1  = ø inner machine installation space X 2  = ø outer machine installation space
                        Complete Part No. with required number of strips XX. Example: TB20.

                        Installation dimensions
                                  Bi                                      ≤ R

                                                                                         X 1
                            ≤ d1                 hi
                            mm                                       ≥ R

                                                                                         X 2

                             Calculation: number of strips depends on angle of rotation
                             (please always round up number of strips)
                        TB12: XX ≈  XXXX°  + 2 =  Example: XX ≈  1200°  + 2 =  Result: XX ≈ 6 strips
                                    360                     360
                                   XXXX°                    1200°
                        TB20: XX ≈     + 2 =  Example: XX ≈     + 2 =  Result: XX ≈ 6 strips
                                    340                     340
                                   XXXX°                    720°
                        TB29: XX ≈     + 2 =  Example: XX ≈     + 2 =  Result: XX ≈ 6 strips
                                    180                     180
                        TB30: XX ≈  XXXX°  + 6 =  Example: XX ≈  1200°  + 6 =  Result: XX ≈ 13 strips
                                    180                     180
                        XXXX° = Angle of rotation
                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 1115

                                                                                             05.06.23   19:01
                    15)-ASEAN-EASYTRIFLEX_TRIFLEX_TWISTERCHAIN_TWISTBAND-2022.indd   1115    05.06.23   19:01
                    15)-ASEAN-EASYTRIFLEX_TRIFLEX_TWISTERCHAIN_TWISTBAND-2022.indd   1115
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