P. 1195
micro fl izz | Order example | Centre infeed micro
fl izz ®
Order example - 2 carriages, opposing travel
MFG2 06. 10. 018. L / F MFG2.
MFG2 08. 18. 035. L / F MFG2.
MFG2 10. 50. 075. L / F MFG2.
F = Channel section length [mm]
L = Total length [mm]
R = Bend radius [mm]
Bi = Inner e-chain ® width
Version (series)
2 carriages in opposite directions
micro fl izz mounted with 2 opposing carriages. Total length 10,000mm, distributed over two 3,000mm
channels, the infeed module (200mm) and two channels each with a residual length of 1,900mm
Calculate the number of channel
sections needed (n). Then round
off the result.
n = 2 x L - 200
2 x F n/2 x F
Bi = Inner e-chain ® width 200 mm
R = Bend radius [mm]
n = Number of channel pieces n/2 x F
S = Travel (L - 300 [mm]) Infeed module
F = Channel section length [mm]
L = Total length [mm] Moving end
X (carriage)
X = Residual length [mm]
F = Recommended channel lengths: 2,000, 3,000, 6,000mm
Bi = Series 06: 10mm / Series 08: 18mm / Series 10: 50mm
hi = Series 06: 11mm / Series 08: 13mm / Series 10: 20mm
3D-CAD data, confi gurators, service life calculators and more izz 1193
05.06.23 19:05
16)-ASEAN-SPECIAL-SOLUTIONS-2022.indd 1193 05.06.23 19:05
16)-ASEAN-SPECIAL-SOLUTIONS-2022.indd 1193