P. 1202
i.Sense smart plastics | i.Sense in a sewage treatment plant
i.Sense masters a sewage
treatment plant ...
As the plant runs around the clock, and some of the time
without any human presence, faults sometimes remain
undetected for hours. Although the plant runs at a very slow
speed, in the event of a failure it can lead to a total breakdown.
This total breakdown of the energy supply system leads to
signifi cantly higher costs than a standstill for several hours,
where the system can be put back into operation after a short
maintenance period.
The solution with smart plastics
In this case the solution is the push/pull force monitoring system
EC.P. This sensor continuously measures the force which the
plant requires to move the energy supply system. If these forces
change due to external infl uences such as ice, an animal or
a tool forgotten during maintenance, the sensor detects this
change and switches the system off immediately. This prevents
expensive total damage to the sewage treatment plant.
EC.P - push/pull force detection for e-chains ®
● Measures the push/pull forces acting on the e-chain ®
● Recommends shutdown of the equipment if a force limit
is exceeded
● Prevents failure
1200 More information
05.06.23 19:05
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