P. 147

igus  cleanroom laboratory | Technical environment

                        Unique igus  cleanroom laboratory for IPA
                        cleanroom Class 1 components - innovative
                        cleanroom technology successfully on the test rig!
                        In semiconductor manufacturing, components such as
                        e-chains ®  and cables must meet the highest standards
                        regarding their release of particles. In order to be able to develop
                        new motion plastics that are suitable for use in cleanrooms,
                        the Fraunhofer IPA, working as a development and certifi cation
                        partner on behalf of igus ® , has now designed and built a tailor-
                        made cleanroom laboratory with an IPA cleanroom Class 1
                        system in Cologne. In the new laboratory, customer tests
                        and new developments can be carried out in advance under
                        real conditions within a very short time. Furthermore, our new
                        cleanroom laboratory helps considerably in the continuous
                        further development of our cleanroom products and materials.

                        Some igus  cleanroom e-chains  in comparison:

                        Specifi cation/           e-skin ®  e-skin ®   e-skin ®  e-skin ®    igus ®
                        Description              fl at SKF    SK      soft SKS  hybrid SKY  E6/E6.1
                        IPA cleanroom Class 1 according to EN ISO 14644-1  √  √  √  √       √
                        Modular design           ●●●●●      ●●●       ●●●        ●●●      ●●●●
                        Components individually interchangeable  √  √   √         √         √
                        Openable                 ●●●●      ●●●●●     ●●●●●     ●●●●●      ●●●●●
                        Easy maintenance          ●●●      ●●●●       ●●●●      ●●●●      ●●●●●
                        Available from stock       √         √          √         √         √
                        Can be shortened           √         √          √         √         √
                        No minimum order quantity  √         √          √         √         √
                        Cost-eff ective           ●●●      ●●●●       ●●●       ●●●●      ●●●●●
                        Suitable for unsupported applications  ●●●●  ●●●  ●●     ●●       ●●●●●
                        For high dynamics         ●●●       ●●●       ●●●        ●●●      ●●●●●
                        Low clearance height     ●●●●●      ●●●       ●●●●      ●●●●       ●●●
                        Fill weight               ●●       ●●●●       ●●●        ●●●      ●●●●●
                        Quiet, smooth operation  ●●●●●     ●●●●       ●●●●      ●●●●      ●●●●
                        Online calculation of service life  X  X       X          X         √
                        Online interior separation confi gurator  X  √   √         √         √
                        Suitable for           Electrical   Electrical   Electrical   Electrical   Electrical
                        the following industries  manufacturing,   manufacturing,   manufacturing,   manufacturing,   manufacturing,
                                               3C industries,   3C industries,   3C industries,   3C industries,   semiconductors,
                                               bonding dispensers,  dispensers,   dispensers,   dispensers,   FPD production,
                                               semiconductors,   glass cutting,   glass cutting,   glass cutting,   microelectronics,
                                               FPD production,   semiconductors,  semiconductors,  semiconductors,  panel robots,
                             = Ideal           medical technology,  FPD production,  FPD production,  FPD production,  packaging,
                          = Less suitable
                        √ = yes / X = no       microelectronics,   microelectronics,  microelectronics,  microelectronics,  plotters, medical
                                               AOI       AOI       AOI       AOI        technology

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more   145

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