P. 154

readychain  | Ready-to-install harnessed e-chain systems          ®

                       Assembled energy supply systems, connectors and cables from igus . Everything
                       from one source, directly from the manufacturer, delivered quickly to your machine

                       Ready-to-install systems, from connectors through assembled cables up to complex energy supply modules, delivered in 1-10 days

                       Customer-specifi c production           From one off  to mass production

                       readychains  - increase your capacity   Reduce the number of suppliers and
                       and cash fl ow quickly with igus ®      orders by 75%
                       ●  Reduce overhead costs               ●  One order, one invoice, one delivery
                       ●  Reduce your throughput times from days to hours  ●  A partner for minimal machine downtimes
                       ●  Respond fl exibly to order variations  ●  All readychain ®  components are subjected to extensive
                       ●  Utilise igus ®  manufacturing capacities and our know-how   quality checks and function tests
                         in cable assembly
                       152 More information 

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