P. 172
e-rib | Introduction | Advantages
Mounting bracket:
connector elements Reinforcement
for secure fi xing
for existing
corrugated tube
Additional security:
retention clips for greater
dynamic responsiveness systems - e-rib
Corrugated tubes are used in many applications
Independent of hose where the mechanical demands on the
manufacturer: energy supply are low. The key advantages
4 sizes for nominal are easy, versatile and exceptionally cost-
hose widths NW23, effective guidance of energy, data and
NW29*, NW36 and media. However, fast movements can lead
NW48 available to damaging sideways movement. The igus
*NW29 only for PMA corrugated tubes e-rib is easy to clip onto a corrugated hose and
can help prevent this. The e-rib fi lls the joints
of the corrugated hose to stabilise it in such
Easy to retrofi t: a way that it can only move in one direction.
simply clip onto a The corrugated hose has an unsupported
corrugated hose length due to the lateral guide elements.
As a retrofi t, the e-rib allows an upgrade of
existing applications in just a few steps. The
Space-saving: e-rib is independent of the hose manufacturer
less installation (depending on size) and available in four sizes.
space required ● Strength prevents unintentional sideways
● Radius stop-dog to prevent buckling
Strong: ● Small installation space required
prevents unintentional ● Easy to retrofi t
sideways movement ● The corrugated remains full closed and
Typical industries and applications
● Fast, short and unsupported applications ●
Standing or hanging applications ● Automotive
industry ● Machine and plant construction ●
Pick & Place applications ● Plotter ● Handling
systems ● Medical technology ● SCARA
170 More information
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