P. 185
E1 | Selection table | Technical data | Order key
Series Inner height Inner width Outer width Outer height Bend radius Segment Page
hi [mm] Bi [mm] Ba [mm] ha [mm] R [mm] length [mm]
e-chain in a strip -
openable along the outer radius
E1.10.013 10 13 17 15.5 018 200 184
E1.17.021 17 21 26 25 028 255 185
E1.17.031 17 31 36 25 028 204 185
E1.17.044 17 44 49 25 028 255 185
E1.18.015 18 15 20 26 028 127.5 186
E1.20.015 20 15 22 27 028 250 187
Available from stock. Ready to ship in 24 - 48hrs.*
*Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.
Technical data
e-chain material - permitted temperature °C, igumid NB Application dependant, upon request
Flammability class, igumid NB VDE 0304 IIC UL94-V2
Order example | Order key and colour examples | Examples based on series E1.17
Order example for complete e-chain (1.0m),
colour black, with mounting brackets and interior separation:
e-chain (1.0m) Please indicate number of segments E1.
Order text: 5 x E1.
Order key
Openable along the outer radius E1. Order index for colour options
Colour Order index Colour Order index
Black Standard .0 Orange Special colour .2
Silver-grey Special colour .31 Yellow Special colour .4
Series / Type White Special colour .1 Light grey Special colour .14
Width index (depends on Bi) Grey-white Special colour .1S
Bend radius R Black e-chains ® ready to ship in 24 - 48hrs.*
Colour index (standard black) Above special colours upon request.
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 183
05.06.23 18:31
04)-ASEAN-EASY_SOLUTONS-EASYCHAIN-ZIPPER-2022.indd 183 05.06.23 18:31