P. 245

zipper | Selection table

                        Series  Inner height  Inner width  Outer width  Outer height  Bend radius  Unsupported   Page
                                  hi [mm]  Bi [mm]    Ba [mm]    ha [mm]    R [mm]   length ≤ [m]

                                                                       zipper - e-chains ®
                                                                       crossbars on a strip -
                                                                       zip-open along the outer radius

                        047        9       10 - 16    16 - 22    12.5     018 - 038    0.40     246
                        07        10.3     06 - 64  12.5 - 71     15      018 - 048    0.55     248
                        09        15       10 - 64  18.2 - 72.2  19.3     028 - 048    1.00     252
                        15        17       15 - 100   26 - 113    24      038 - 180    1.20     258
                        17        32       15 - 100  25.5 - 113   39      063 - 125    1.00     266
                                                                       zipper - e-tubes -
                                                                       protection against dirt and
                                                                       lids on a strip -
                                                                       zip-open along the outer radius

                        R07       10.3     10 - 50  16.5 - 57     15      038 - 048    0.55     250
                        R09       15       10 - 50  18.2 - 58.2  19.3     048 - 100    1.00     256
                        R15       17       25 - 80    36 - 94     24      063 - 180    1.20     262
                        R17       32       15 - 63    26 - 74     39      063 - 125    1.20     270

                             Available from stock. Ready to ship in 24 - 48hrs.*
                             *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more  243

                                                                                             05.06.23   18:31
                    04)-ASEAN-EASY_SOLUTONS-EASYCHAIN-ZIPPER-2022.indd   243                 05.06.23   18:31
                    04)-ASEAN-EASY_SOLUTONS-EASYCHAIN-ZIPPER-2022.indd   243
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