P. 338

E2.1 micro | Introduction | Advantages

                                                                  For very small
                                               Universal connection:
                                          mounting bracket with strain
                                          relief and quickfl ange option  spaces, strong -
                                                                  E2.1 micro

                                         very smooth contours ensure   E2 micro e-chains  are very small, lightweight
                                                the longest cable life  one- and two-piece e-chains , making them
                                                                  ideal for highly dynamic applications. E2.1 micro
                                                                  e-chains  are optimal for smallest installation
                                                 Variety of options:  spaces, and are available in many versions.
                                              non-openable or open-  They feature a strong stop-dog system for up
                                                  able along the in-  to 25% longer unsupported travels as well as
                                                 ner or outer radius  100% higher fi ll weights (compared to similar
                                                                  igus  types). They are lightweight, robust and
                                                                  easy to open. An e-chain  opener is included
                                                         Strong:  in order to open the e-chain  in one go. Many
                                                    large, assem-  accessories like interior separation and fi xation
                                                   bly-friendly pins  options are also available.
                                                                  Typical industries and applications
                                                    Cost-eff ective:  ● Models (micro e-chain )  ● Automatic
                                            lightweight and low-priced  doors ● Vehicles ● Measuring machines ●
                                                                  Electronic engineering ● Handling ● Pick und
                                                                  place robots ● General machinery, etc.
                                          Lockable interior separation:
                                             recommended for side-
                                               mounted applications

                                                   Quiet operation:    UL94-V0 classifi cation
                                                   integrated brake    upon request
                                                    reduces noise
                                                                       Electrically conductive ESD e-chains ®  -
                                                                       several series available from stock
                                                  Smooth Design:
                                           dirt-repellent outer contour

                                             square stop-dog system
                                                 for large fi ll weights  For a quick and easy opening, an e-chain ®  opener
                                                                  is included with every fi rst order of openable E2.1
                                                                  micro from igus ®

                       336               More information

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