P. 352
E2.1 | Introduction | Advantages
Universal connection:
many mounting options The strong all-
with or without strain relief
rounder, easy
to open - E2.1
Easy to open:
openable along the inner
and outer radius, from The proven e-chain system E2/000 has been
both sides (left or right) the worldwide standard in machinery since
the year 2000. All the product improvements
Cable-friendly: of previous years have now been combined
very smooth into the new generation of series E2.1, and
contours ensure with it a new standard has been set. More
the longest useable installation space while the same outer
cable life dimensions are the same and quieter with a
longer service life and increased stability.
● More useable interior space while the outer
Economical: height is the same as the E2/000 e-chains ®
E2.1 is lighter and ● Easy to open - openable along the inner and
off ers more inner outer radius, from both sides (left or right)
height than the E2/000 ● Quieter due to improved brake
system with the same ● Greater strength for unsupported applications
outer dimensions ● Longer service life for gliding applications
● Integrated positional system 2.5mm
● Complete interior separation range
Quiet operation: Typical industries and applications
optimised integrated ● Machine tools ● Wood processing
brake reduces noise machines ● General mechanical engineering
and all other areas
Long service life:
due to integrated
gliding surfaces even
on long travels
High strength:
large pin/bore and
crossbar with high 1m of e-chain ® can be opened in 2 seconds.
locking force igus ® e-chain ® opener for rapid opening
55dB(A) - value determined at the igus ® test-lab,
v = 2.0m/s unsupported, series E2.
350 More information
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