P. 470

E2 R100 e-tubes | Introduction | Advantages

                                            Attachment from any side
                                                with KMA mounting  Protection
                                                                  against dirt and
                                                  Swarf protection: swarf, cost-

                                                   smooth, swarf-
                                                  resistant exterior eff ective -
                                                                  E2 R100 e-tubes

                                                  Long service life:  Cost-eff ective, for applications with low and
                                                     lateral gliding   medium speeds. E2 R100 e-tubes work in hot
                                                        surfaces  swarf areas, in areas of dirt and dust generated
                                                                  by woodworking, steel-mills, pulp and paper,
                                                    Fast assembly:  textile, agriculture, coal-fi red plants and many
                                                     lids openable   other hostile environments.
                                                    along the inner   ●  High level of protection against swarf
                                                    or outer radius,   (including hot swarf)
                                                   from both sides  ●  Robust and sealed
                                                                  ●  Space-effi  cient with optimised ratio of inner
                                                                   to outer dimensions
                                                   Space-saving:  ●  Modular interior separation
                                             optimised ratio of inner   ●  Universal KMA mounting brackets with
                                               to outer dimensions  attachment options from any side
                                                                  Typical industries and applications
                                                         Strong:  ● Machine tools  ● Wood processing
                                                  double stop-dog   machines ● General mechanical engineering
                                                   system for long   ● In all areas with dirt and swarf
                                               unsupported lengths

                                                  covered pin/bore
                                                      connection       e-tubes made from igumid ®  HT material for hot
                                                                       swarf of up to +850 °C available upon request
                                                                       Electrically conductive ESD e-tubes
                                                                       upon request
                                                                       UL94-V0 classifi cation
                                                                       upon request
                                                                       iF product design award
                                                                       2000 series R117/R118

                       468                  More information

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