P. 522

RX e-tubes | Technical data | Overview

                       Technical data

                                                                               ≤ 10 [m/s] / ≤ 100 [m/s ]
                            Speed FL G  / acceleration FL G
                       FL G
                                                                                  ≤ 3 [m/s] / ≤ 6 [m/s ]
                            Speed FL B  / acceleration FL B
                       FL B
                            Material - permitted temperature °C, igumid  G            -40°C/+120°C
                            Flammability class, igumid  G                       VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB
                               FL G  = unsupported with straight upper run    FL B  = unsupported with permitted sag

                       Installation types, maximum travels

                       Series                   Vertical   Vertical   Side mounted
                                    Unsupported                                 Rotary    Zig-zag
                                                hanging   standing  unsupported
                       RX32         ≤ 3.40m    upon request  upon request  upon request  with rework  upon request

                       RX40         ≤ 3.80m    upon request  upon request  upon request  with rework  upon request

                       RX48         ≤ 4.20m    upon request  upon request  upon request  with rework  upon request
                       RX56         ≤ 4.60m    upon request  upon request  upon request  with rework  upon request

                         Time [s]                              Swarf [g]  180      158
                          35                                   160
                                           igus ®  product            igus ®  product
                          30                                   140    Competitors
                          25                                   120
                          20                                                               of test after
                                                                80                         2,600 cycles
                          15                                    60     RX40.100.100  251,900 cycles  256,132 cycles  62.9
                          10     RX40.100.100  igus ®  R68      40   RX-e-tube  E2 e-tubes
                                igus ®                                2.7   9.8
                          05               01   02    03        20                  Test 01  250,907  cycles  Test 02*  2,600  cycles
                          0                                     0
                       Sealed - various tube styles were tested under water. For the   Swarf ingress - various tube styles were covered with a defi ned
                       RX e-tube, it takes more than 30 sec. to fi ll up with water  quantity of swarf. Only 2.7 g of chips were found in the interior
                                                              of the RX tube after 251,900 cycles

                       520 More information

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