P. 771
E4/light | Series 1640·R1608 | Further accessories 1640
Extension links
Bi 1 Bi 2 Bi 3
50 80
Bi 1 + 25 Bi 2 + 22 Bi 3 + 25
Bi 1 + 25 + Bi 2 + 22 + Bi 3 + 25 ± 3
(Bi 1 + 25 + Bi 2 + 22 + Bi 3 + 25) + 22 ± 3
Extension links | For extremely wide e-chains up to 3.0m
● Virtually unlimited side-by-side extension
● For extremely wide e-chains ® up to 3,000mm
● Unsupported length FL G max. can be increased when heavy fi ll weights are required
● e-chains ® and e-tubes can be combined
● Attached with KMA or steel mounting brackets
Part number Part number Part number
Extension link e-chain ® Extension link e-tube Extension link as an individual part
1640.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R.0 R1608.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R.0 6022.R.
Complete Part No.with the width index Bi1/Bi2/Bi3/etc. and the radius (R). Example: 1640.10/20/10.200.0
Circular movements (also with Reverse Bend Radius "RBR") are possible
3D CAD, service life calculation, confi gurators and more 769
05.06.23 18:51
11)-ASEAN-E4LIGHT-OLD_YE-2022.indd 769 05.06.23 18:51
11)-ASEAN-E4LIGHT-OLD_YE-2022.indd 769