P. 86

Technical details | E4/4HD | P4 | P4.1

                          Legend            Opening   Series /  Inner height  Inner width  Outer height Outer width Bend radius
                          ● Standard        principle  product  hi [mm] +  from - to  ha [mm]  from - to  from - to
                          ❍ Suitable only to a limited extent  ≤ ø [mm]  Bi [mm]    Ba [mm]  R [mm]
                          ▲ Possible as an option              ≤ ø
                                                            hi              ha                R
                          ■ Especially suitable                mm
                                                                      Bi              Ba
                           E4/4HD heavy-duty - very high fill weights for long travels
                           e-chains  | Crossbars every link - crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius
                                                   4040HD 1)  56  ø 50  50 - 600  84  104 - 654  135 - 300
                                                   5050HD 1)  80  ø 74  50 - 600  108  110 - 660  200 - 500

                           e-tubes | Fully enclosed - lids openable along the outer radius, from one side
                                                   8840HD 1)  56  ø 50  75 - 462  84  129 - 516  150 - 300
                                                   9850HD 1)  80  ø 74  75 - 462  108  135 - 522  200 - 500

                           P4 - long travels, fast and quiet
                           e-chains  | Crossbars every link - crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius
                                                   P4.32 1)  32  ø 28  100 - 250  54  132 - 282  150 - 250
                                                   P4.42 1)  42  ø 38  100 - 200  64  154 - 254  100 - 250

                           P4.1 - new generation - longest travels, even faster and quieter
                           e-chains  | Crossbars every link - crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius
                                                   P41.56 1)  56  ø 50  187 - 400  84  257 - 470  200 - 350
                                                   P41.80 1)  80  ø 72  187 - 400  108  263 - 476  200 - 350

                              1) Systems of this type should be designed in conjunction with our engineering team.
                              Please contact us at

                          84  Find the perfect e-chain  quickly nder

                                                                                             05.06.23   18:18
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