P. 914
E6.80 E6 | Series E6.80 | Accessories
KMA mounting brackets | Attachment from any side | Pivoting
Fixed end Moving end Front view
E6.800 ... 1 E6.800 ... 2 of KMA
105 n x 65 105 66
B = Bi + 50 A = Bi + 28 Bi A Pivoting angle
corresponds to
the radius!
20 35 ø 10.5 / t=11.2 Moving end
Fixed end
KMA pivoting | Recommended for unsupported applications
Width Part No. Full set A B Bi Width Part No. Full set A B Bi
index KMA pivoting [mm] [mm] [mm] index KMA pivoting [mm] [mm] [mm]
05. ▼ E6.800. 05. 12.C 78 100 50 31. ▼ E6.800. 31. 12.C 340 362 312
06. ▼ E6.800. 06. 12.C 93 115 65 32. ▼ E6.800. 32. 12.C 353 375 325
07. ▼ E6.800. 07. 12.C 103 125 75 33. ▼ E6.800. 33. 12.C 365 387 337
08. ▼ E6.800. 08. 12.C 115 137 87 35. ▼ E6.800. 35. 12.C 378 400 350
10. ▼ E6.800. 10. 12.C 128 150 100 36. ▼ E6.800. 36. 12.C 390 412 362
11. ▼ E6.800. 11. 12.C 140 162 112 37. ▼ E6.800. 37. 12.C 403 425 375
12. ▼ E6.800. 12. 12.C 153 175 125 38. ▼ E6.800. 38. 12.C 415 437 387
13. ▼ E6.800. 13. 12.C 165 187 137 40. ▼ E6.800. 40. 12.C 428 450 400
15. ▼ E6.800. 15. 12.C 178 200 150 41. ▼ E6.800. 41. 12.C 440 462 412
16. ▼ E6.800. 16. 12.C 190 212 162 42. ▼ E6.800. 42. 12.C 453 475 425
17. ▼ E6.800. 17. 12.C 203 225 175 43. ▼ E6.800. 43. 12.C 465 487 437
18. ▼ E6.800. 18. 12.C 215 237 187 45. ▼ E6.800. 45. 12.C 478 500 450
20. ▼ E6.800. 20. 12.C 228 250 200 46. ▼ E6.800. 46. 12.C 490 512 462
21. ▼ E6.800. 21. 12.C 240 262 212 47. ▼ E6.800. 47. 12.C 503 525 475
22. ▼ E6.800. 22. 12.C 253 275 225 48. ▼ E6.800. 48. 12.C 515 537 487
23. ▼ E6.800. 23. 12.C 265 287 237 50. ▼ E6.800. 50. 12.C 528 550 500
25. ▼ E6.800. 25. 12.C 278 300 250 51. ▼ E6.800. 51. 12.C 540 562 512
26. ▼ E6.800. 26. 12.C 290 412 262 52. ▼ E6.800. 52. 12.C 553 575 525
27. ▼ E6.800. 27. 12.C 303 325 275 53. ▼ E6.800. 53. 12.C 565 587 537
28. ▼ E6.800. 28. 12.C 315 337 287 55. ▼ E6.800. 55. 12.C 578 600 550
30. ▼ E6.800. 30. 12.C 328 350 300 60. ▼ E6.800. 60. 12.C 628 650 600
(KMA = polymer metal mounting bracket) For the C-profi le option please add index .C
E6.800.10.12.C.A2 Order example
to indicate option
.A .A1 .A2 .A3 .A4 with brackets pre-fi tted
C-profi le option
Orientations for KMA mounting brackets. To receive KMA pre-fi tted without C-profi le please Full set
add index .A. Please add index .A2 for the standard version with C-profi le, in the inner width index
radius at the moving end and in the outer radius at the fi xed end.
912 More information
05.06.23 18:56
13)-ASEAN-CLEAN-E6-E3-T3-TH3-2022.indd 912
13)-ASEAN-CLEAN-E6-E3-T3-TH3-2022.indd 912 05.06.23 18:56