P. 948

TH3 | Introduction | Advantages

                                           Attachment from any side:                           ®
                                                 polymer mounting  The fi rst e-chain

                                                    Easy to clean:
                                             open design for eff ective  to hygienic
                                                 and easy cleaning
                                                                  principles - TH3

                                                                  igus  TH3 is the world's first plastic
                                            Hygienic design principle:  e-chain  developed according to Hygienic
                                             FDA-compliant materials  Design Guidelines. The open design of the
                                                                  e-chain  is very easy to clean and, thanks to
                                                                  rounded corners and the absence of bolted
                                                   Modular design:  connections, dead spaces and the resulting
                                                4 diff erent widths for   germ formation are avoided. The blue material,
                                                 interior separation,   which is typical of plastic parts in the food
                                            available in 2 inner heights  industry, is also highly resistant to aggressive
                                                                  cleaning agents and chemicals. The e-chain
                                                                  is suitable for applications with the highest
                                                    Cable-friendly:  hygienic requirements for safe cable and hose
                                                   due to smooth,   guidance.
                                                 rounded contours  ●  Choice of 2 inner heights and 4 inner widths
                                                                  ●  Interior separation segments separate
                                                                   the cables and hoses from each other to
                                                  No dead spaces:  provide enough clearance for easy cleaning
                                                   large gaps - no   ●  For plastic parts in the food industry; the
                                                  material overlaps  blue material is FDA-compliant
                                                                  ●  reddot award winner 2017

                                                                  Typical industries and applications
                                              Food industry material:   ● Packaging machines ● Food and beverage/
                                              resistant to detergents   filling machines  ● Wherever hygiene
                                                    and chemicals  requirements are very high and cables and
                                                                  hoses have to be guided safely and securely

                                                                      The material of the igus ®  hygienic design
                                                                      e-chain ®  is FDA and EU regulation-compliant
                       946                  More information

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