P. 989
trifl ex R | Series TRC·TRE·TRCF | Accessories triflex R
TR.XX.10 / TR.XX.30
● Optional protectors can be fi tted at
contact points
● For extreme operations and long
øB A
service life
● Easy gliding over edges
● Damping, light, freely positionable
● Easy to fi t and quick replacement
● Protector with quick-release fastener
also available
Protectors | For TRC·TRE·TRCF
ø Part No. with Part No. A B
Index screw connection with quick release [mm] [mm]
30. ▼ TR.30.10 – 22 47
40. ▼ TR.40.10 TR.40.30 2) 27 55
50. ▼ TR.50.10 TR.50.30 2) 34 69
TR.40.10 - 60. ▼ TR.60.10 TR.60.30 2) 40 80
65. ▼ TR.65.10 TR.65.30 2) 44 88
65. (R 200) TR.65.200.10 5) – 44 88
70. ▼ TR.70.10 TR.70.30 50 102
85. ▼ TR.85.10 TR.85.30 59 118
85. (R 240) ▼ TR.85.240.10 4) – 63 120
100. ▼ TR.100.10 TR.100.30 67 133
125. ▼ TR.125.10 – 82 170
TR.40.30 -
TR.100.30 2) Without additional securing clip - a safety clip is used from size 70
4) Only for special size with larger bend radius
5) Available upon request Delivery time upon request.
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more exR 987
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 987 05.06.23 18:58
05.06.23 18:58
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 987