Page 249 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 249

Number  Belt Type                           Number  Belt Type             Pulleys  Timing
               Pulley Type  of   Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. H  Pulley Type  of   Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. H
                           Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d          Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d
                            14                 5·6
                            15  S3M060         5·6                      24                6·6.35
                            16  S3M100         6·7                                                    Idlers
              A Shape       18  S3M060        5·6·8       B Shape       28  S3M100        6.35·8
              H  Shaft Bore     S3M100        6.35·8      H  Shaft Bore            B
                Specs.      19                 8            Specs.      32                 14       P.263
                            20  S3M060       5·6·8·9
                                S3M100         8
                            22         A     5·6·8·10                   48  S3M060         20
                            24                 10                                                     Timing Belts
              MISUMI WEB        S3M100         4·8
             1.Search this keyword  26  S3M060  5
             pulley s3m         S3M100         10           Pulley Type  Number  Belt Type
                                                                            Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. P
             2.Select  Economy series  28  S3M060  13                   Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d  P.289
               MISUMI       30  S3M100       10·12·18                       S3M060       5·6·6.35·8
                 Economy series  32           6.35·8
                            60                22·28                     24  S3M100       5·6·6.35·8   Closed Belts
                                                                            S3M150         8
                                                                            S3M060       5·6·8·10
                           Number  Belt Type                                S3M100      5·6·6.35·8·10
               Pulley Type  of   Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. H   B Shape  26  S3M060  8·10   P.317
                           Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d   P  Shaft Bore   S3M100   6.35·8
                                                            Specs.      28  S3M060      5·6.35·8·10
                                                                            S3M100       5·6·6.35·8
                            16  S3M060         5                            S3M060        8·10       Belts  Open End
                                                                        30  S3M100      6.35·8·10·12
                                                                            S3M150  B     8·12
              K Shape       18  S3M150         8                            S3M060         8
              H  Shaft Bore            K                                32  S3M100        6.35·8    P.323
                Specs.      20  S3M060         5·8                          S3M150        6.35·8
                                                           MISUMI WEB   34  S3M060        8·14
                                                         1.Search this keyword  S3M100   8·10·12·14
                            22  S3M100         5          pulley s3m    36  S3M060         13        Open End Belts   Clamp Plates for
                                                         2.Select  Economy series  S3M100  6.35·8
                                                         Brand          40             8·10·12·14·18·20
                                                           MISUMI       48  S3M060         8
                           Number  Belt Type                 Economy series  50            8        P.327
               Pulley Type  of   Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. P   72  S3M100         15
                           Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d                                        5
                                S3M060        4·5·6                    Number  Belt Type

                            14  S3M100        4·5·6         Pulley Type  of   Nominal  Pulley  Shaft Bore Specs. N
                                S3M060         5·6                      Teeth  Width  Shape Hole Diameter d
                                S3M100         5·6
                                S3M060       4·5·6·6.35                     S3M060         8         Idlers / Timing Belts  Timing Pulleys /
                            16  S3M100       5·6·7·6.35                 25  S3M100         8
                                S3M150        6.35                          S3M150         8
                                S3M060       5·6·6.35·8                     S3M060         8
                            18  S3M100       5·6·6.35·8                 26  S3M100         8
              K Shape           S3M150         8          B Shape           S3M150         8
              P  Shaft Bore   20  S3M060    4·5·6·6.35·8   N  Shaft Bore   28  S3M100      8
                Specs.          S3M150         8            Specs.      30  S3M060      8·10·11·NK10
                                S3M060       5·6·6.35·8                     S3M150         8
                            22  S3M100  K                   S3M060         8
                                S3M150         10                       32  S3M100  B     8·10
                                S3M060       5·6.6·35·8                     S3M150         8
                            24  S3M100       5·6·6.35·8                     S3M100      8·10·12·13·14
                                S3M150         8           MISUMI WEB   34  S3M150         14
                            25  S3M060        5·8·10     1.Search this keyword  36  S3M060  10·14
                                S3M100        5·8·10                        S3M100       8·10·14·15
              MISUMI WEB        S3M060         5·8        pulley s3m    40
             1.Search this keyword  28  S3M100  5·8      2.Select  Economy series  44  S3M150  14
             pulley s3m         S3M060        8·10       Brand MISUMI   48  S3M150         16
             2.Select  Economy series  30  S3M100  8·10·12   Economy series  50  S3M060    8
             Brand              S3M150        8·12                      60  S3M100         8
               MISUMI           S3M060         8
                 Economy series  32  S3M100    8       &Detailed specifications are available on the official website
                                S3M150         8
             How to create                                                          Configure  Clear All
               a model  Step  Search on MISUMI official website  Step   Select  Brand  Brand
                       1      pulley s3m                        2        MISUMI       MISUMI
                                                                      Economy Series
                             Input the keyword and search on the website
                                                                                       Economy series
               Registration  Technical Support  Sales Inquiry  Contact Us:
                                                            Tel:           (60)3 7960 8499
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