Page 515 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 515

Product Overview                                                       Economy Series
                                                                                  Toggle Clamps

                                                  YV 6WDQGDUG 7\SH
             Economy series  6DYLQJ

             Toggle Clamps                             8S WR

             · High-quality A3 steel               ᵖᵎ
               for the body, with high
               tensile strength.

             · Nickel-plated rivets
               for longer
               service life

          &Actual product color may be a bit different from photo.

          2Type                                          2Quality                                    10
          · A wide variety of MISUMI Economy series toggle  · MISUMI economy series toggle clamps are made of high
           clamps                                         quality A3 steel, and its tensile strength is more than 2 times
           Four types and 56 specifications can fully meet  of the generic products in the market, ensuring the closing
           the needs of FA industry.                      pressure and improving the service life.   Toggle Clamps  Plungers /

                     MISUMI Economy series  Generic             MISUMI      MISUMI       Generic
           Classification  Toggle Clamps  products in the    standard product  Economy series  products in the
                                           market *
                                                                          Toggle Clamps
                                                               toggle clamp
                                                                                        market *
                                   20        10           Body
                                                                          High Quality A3
           Horizontal          Specifications  Specifications  Material  (Reference  Steel Galvanized  Galvanized Iron  Plungers  Ball
                                                              Tensile Strength  (Reference  Tensile Strength
                                                              400~510MPa)  Tensile Strength  170~270MPa)
                                                                          375~460MPa)               P.493
                                   17        9
           Vertical            Specifications  Specifications                                        Plungers
                                                          Rivet  Nickel Plated  Nickel Plated  Normal Rivet   Spring
                                                         Surface  Rivet      Rivet       with no
                                                         Treatment                    surface treatment
                                                        * Generic products in the market are similar products randomly purchased by
           Horizontal              16        10          our company from online or offline markets
           Push-Pull-          Specifications  Specifications
           Press Type                                                                                Plungers  Index
                                                           Generic products     MISUMI Economy
                                                             in the market    series Toggle Clamps
                                   3         1
            Latch              Specifications  Specifications
            Type                                                                                     Clamps  Toggle
          There are 56 specifications listed in the catalog, and 37 specifications not pecifications listed in th
          listed. Please browse MISUMI official website.     Crack                                  P.512
          2Delivery Time
          · With stock items, MISUMI Economy series toggle   Normal rivet with no surface   Nickel plated rivets that
           clamps can be shipped within 1 day.           treatment: It is visible to the  meet the requirements of
                                                                              the national standard
                                                         naked eye shallow riveting,
           The generic products in the market are generally  shallow flanging, cracking on  "Technical Conditions for
           only stocked for best-selling models.         the flanging, and large riveting  Rivets" are strictly used,
                                                         gaps, which will cause the  with firm riveting and long
                                                         product to loosen, insufficient  service life.
                                                         closing pressure, easy to fall off
                                                         for rivets, and short service life.
                                                         * Problems of generic products in the market
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