Page 272 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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2. Each Party shall ensure that its competent authorities complete
the investigation referred to in paragraph 1 within one year
following its date of initiation.
Article 7.5: Scope and Duration of Transitional RCEP Safeguard
1. No Party shall apply a transitional RCEP safeguard measure:
(a) except to the extent, and for such time, as may be
necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and to
facilitate adjustment;
(b) for a period exceeding three years, except that in
exceptional circumstances, the period may be extended by
up to one year if the competent authorities of the Party that
applies the transitional RCEP safeguard measure
determines, in conformity with the procedures specified in
this Article, that the transitional RCEP safeguard measure
continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious
injury and to facilitate adjustment and that there is evidence
that the domestic industry concerned is adjusting, provided
that the total period of application of a provisional and
transitional RCEP safeguard measure, including the period
of initial application and any extension thereof, shall not
exceed four years. Notwithstanding this provision, a Least
Developed Country Party may extend its transitional RCEP
safeguard measure for an additional period of one year; or
(c) beyond the expiration of the transitional safeguard period.
2. No transitional RCEP safeguard measure shall be applied to the
import of an originating good for a period of one year from the
date on which the first tariff reduction or tariff elimination takes
effect for that originating good as committed under this
3. In order to facilitate adjustment in a situation where the expected
duration of a transitional RCEP safeguard measure exceeds one
year, the Party applying the transitional RCEP safeguard
measure shall progressively liberalise the transitional RCEP
safeguard measure at regular intervals during its period of