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broad guidelines of general application as well as detailed and meets all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
standards, practices, and procedures;
(h) good means any merchandise, product, article, or Article 3.3: Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced
For the purposes of Article 3.2 (Originating Goods), the following goods
(i) issuing body means an entity designated or authorised by shall be considered as wholly obtained or produced in a Party:
a Party to issue a Certificate of Origin and notified to the
other Parties in accordance with this Chapter; (a) plants and plant goods, including fruit, flowers, vegetables,
trees, seaweed, fungi, and live plants, grown and
(j) material means a good that is used in the production of harvested, picked, or gathered there;
another good;
(b) live animals born and raised there;
(k) non-originating good or non-originating material
means a good or material which does not qualify as (c) goods obtained from live animals raised there;
originating in accordance with this Chapter;
(d) goods obtained by hunting, trapping, fishing, farming,
(l) originating good or originating material means a good aquaculture, gathering, or capturing conducted there;
or material which qualifies as originating in accordance
with this Chapter; (e) minerals and other naturally occurring substances, not
included in subparagraphs (a) through (d), extracted or
(m) producer means a person who engages in the production taken from its soil, waters, seabed, or subsoil beneath the
of goods; and seabed;
(n) production means methods of obtaining goods including (f) goods of sea-fishing and other marine life taken by vessels
growing, mining, harvesting, farming, raising, breeding, of that Party , and other goods taken by that Party or a
extracting, gathering, collecting, capturing, fishing, person of that Party, from the waters, seabed, or subsoil
aquaculture, trapping, hunting, manufacturing, producing, beneath the seabed outside the territorial sea of the Parties
processing, or assembling. and non-Parties, in accordance with international law,
provided that, in case of goods of sea-fishing and other
marine life taken from the exclusive economic zone of any
Article 3.2: Originating Goods Party or non-Party, that Party or person of that Party has
For the purposes of this Agreement, a good shall be treated as an 1
For the purposes of this Article, “factory ships of that Party” or “vessels of that Party”
originating good if it is: respectively, means factory ships or vessels:
(a) wholly obtained or produced in a Party as provided in (a) which are registered in that Party; and
Article 3.3 (Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced);
(b) which are entitled to fly the flag of that Party.
(b) produced in a Party exclusively from originating materials Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any factory ship or vessel operating within
from one or more of the Parties; or the exclusive economic zone of Australia that meets the definition of “Australian boat”
under the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (Commonwealth), as amended from time
(c) produced in a Party using non-originating materials, to time, or any successor legislation, shall be considered to be a factory ship or vessel
provided the good satisfies the applicable requirements set of Australia respectively. For greater certainty, when such a factory ship or vessel is
operating outside of the exclusive economic zone of Australia, the requirements of
out in Annex 3A (Product-Specific Rules), subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this footnote shall apply.
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