Page 89 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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HS Code (HS 2012)   Product-  HS Code (HS 2012)                                          Product-
 Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule   Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule
 bituminous  minerals,  these  oils  being  the   OF  PRECIOUS  METALS,  OF  RARE-
 basic constituents of the preparations, other   EARTH  METALS,  OF  RADIOACTIVE
 than  those  containing  biodiesel  and  other   ELEMENTS OR OF ISOTOPES
 than waste oils            28.01             Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine
 CTH   or                                                                               CTH       or
       2710.12  -- Light oils and preparations         2801.10  - Chlorine
 RVC40                                                                                  RVC40
 CTH   or                                                                               CTSH      or
       2710.19  -- Other             2801.20  - Iodine
 RVC40                                                                                  RVC40
 -  Petroleum  oils  and  oils  obtained  from                                          CTSH      or
 bituminous minerals (other than crude) and         2801.30  - Fluorine; bromine        RVC40
 preparations  not  elsewhere  specified  or   28.02   2802.00   Sulphur,  sublimed  or  precipitated;  colloidal  CTH   or
       2710.20   included, containing by weight 70 % or more  CTH   or      sulphur     RVC40
 of  petroleum  oils  or  of  oils  obtained  from  RVC40   Carbon  (carbon  blacks  and  other  forms  of  CTH   or
 bituminous  minerals,  these  oils  being  the      28.03   2803.00   carbon not elsewhere specified or included)   RVC40
 basic  constituents  of  the  preparations,                                            CTH       or
 containing biodiesel, other than waste oils      28.04      Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals   RVC40
          - Waste oils                        Alkali  or  alkaline-earth  metals;  rare-earth
 --  Containing  polychlorinated  biphenyls      28.05      metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not   CTH   or
       2710.91  (PCBs),  polychlorinated  terphenyls  (PCTs)  WO   intermixed or interalloyed; mercury   RVC40
 or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)           Hydrogen  chloride  (hydrochloric  acid);
       2710.99  -- Other   WO      28.06      chlorosulphuric acid
 Petroleum  gases  and  other  gaseous                                                  CTH       or
    27.11      CTH                   2806.10  - Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid)
 hydrocarbons                                                                           RVC40
 Petroleum  jelly;  paraffin  wax,  micro-        2806.20  - Chlorosulphuric acid       CTSH      or
 crystalline  petroleum  wax,  slack  wax,                                              RVC40
    27.12      ozokerite,  lignite  wax,  peat  wax,  other  CTH   or      28.07   2807.00  Sulphuric acid; oleum   CTH   or
 mineral  waxes,  and  similar  products  RVC40                                         RVC40
 obtained by synthesis or by other processes,      28.08   2808.00  Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids   CTH   or
 whether or not coloured                                                                RVC40
 Petroleum  coke,  petroleum  bitumen  and    Diphosphorus pentaoxide; phosphoric acid;   CTH     or
    27.13      other  residues  of  petroleum  oils  or  of  oils  CTH      28.09      polyphosphoric  acids,  whether  or  not   RVC40
 obtained from bituminous minerals            chemically defined
 Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or      28.10   2810.00  Oxides of boron; boric acids   CTH   or
    27.14      oil  shale  and  tar  sands;  asphaltites  and  CTH                      RVC40
 asphaltic rocks            28.11             Other  inorganic  acids  and  other  inorganic  CTSH   or
 Bituminous  mixtures  based  on  natural     oxygen compounds of non-metals            RVC40
 asphalt,  on  natural  bitumen,  on  petroleum                                         CTH       or
    27.15   2715.00   CTH      28.12          Halides and halide oxides of non-metals
 bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch                                        RVC40
 (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs)   Sulphides   of   non-metals;   commercial  CTH    or
    27.16   2716.00  Electrical energy (optional heading)   CTH      28.13      phosphorus trisulphide   RVC40
 SECTION VI                 28.14             Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution   CTH     or
 PRODUCTS OF THE CHEMICAL OR ALLIED INDUSTRIES                                          RVC40

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