Page 1192 - IGUS Bearing
P. 1192

Material properties                                                                                         Material properties

        igumid  F300                                                                                                             igumid  FC
         General properties                                          Unit        igumid  F300   Testing method                   General properties                                          Unit         igumid  FC    Testing method
         Density                                                    g/cm 3           1.44                                        Density                                                    g/cm 3           1.47
         Colour                                                                      grey                                        Colour                                                                    dark blue
         Max. moisture absorption at +23°C and 50% r.h.           % weight            0.9          DIN 53495                     Max. moisture absorption at +23°C and 50% r.h.           % weight            2.3          DIN 53495
         Max. moisture absorption                                 % weight            3.9                                        Max. moisture absorption                                 % weight            5.2
         Mechanical properties                                                                                                   Mechanical properties
         Flexural modulus                                           MPa             5,900          DIN 53457                     Flexural modulus                                            MPa             7,083         DIN 53457
         Flexural strength at +20°C                                 MPa              150           DIN 53452                     Flexural strength at +20°C                                  MPa             193           DIN 53452
         Max. recommended surface pressure (+20°C)                  MPa               45                                         Shore D hardness                                                             83           DIN 53505
         Shore D hardness                                                             79           DIN 53505                     Physical and thermal properties
         Physical and thermal properties                                                                                         Max. long-term application temperature                       °C             +100
         Max. long-term application temperature                      °C              +90                                         Max. short-term application temperature                      °C             +140
         Max. short-term application temperature                     °C              +170                                        Min. application temperature                                 °C              -30
         Min. application temperature                                °C              -40                                         Electrical properties
         Electrical properties                                                                                                   Specific transitional resistance                           Ωcm             > 10 12        DIN IEC 93
         Specific transitional resistance 5)                        Ωcm          > 10 - 10         DIN IEC 93                    Surface resistance                                           Ω             > 10 12        DIN 53482
                                                                                          9 37)
         Surface resistance 5)                                        Ω          > 10 - 10         DIN 53482
                                                                                          9 37)
        5)   The good conductivity of this plastic material under certain circumstances can favour the generation of
          corrosion on the metallic contact components
        37)  Depending on the geometry

        igumid  G                                                                                                                iguton G
         General properties                                          Unit         igumid  G     Testing method                   General properties                                          Unit          iguton G     Testing method
         Density                                                    g/cm 3           1.37                                        Density                                                    g/cm 3           1.69
         Colour                                                                      black                                       Colour                                                                     brown
         Max. moisture absorption at +23°C and 50% r.h.           % weight            1.4          DIN 53495                     Max. moisture absorption at +23°C and 50% r.h.           % weight            0.1          DIN 53495
         Max. moisture absorption                                 % weight            5.6                                        Max. moisture absorption                                 % weight            0.2
         Mechanical properties                                                                                                   Mechanical properties
         Flexural modulus                                           MPa             7,800          DIN 53457                     Flexural modulus                                            MPa            10,200         DIN 53457
         Flexural strength at +20°C                                 MPa              240           DIN 53452                     Flexural strength at +20°C                                  MPa             140           DIN 53452
         Shore D hardness                                                             79           DIN 53505                     Max. recommended surface pressure (+20°C)                   MPa              65
         Physical and thermal properties                                                                                         Shore D hardness                                                             85           DIN 53505
         Max. long-term application temperature                      °C              +120                                        Physical and thermal properties
         Max. short-term application temperature                     °C              +180                                        Max. long-term application temperature                       °C             +200
         Min. application temperature                                °C              -40                                         Max. short-term application temperature                      °C             +240
         Thermal conductivity                                      W/m · K           0.24         ASTM C 177                     Max. short-term ambient temperature 1                        °C             +260
         Coefficient of thermal expansion (at +23°C)               K  · 10 -5         17           DIN 53752                     Min. application temperature                                 °C              -40
         Electrical properties                                                                                                   Electrical properties
         Specific transitional resistance                           Ωcm             > 10 11        DIN IEC 93                    Specific transitional resistance                           Ωcm             > 10 15        DIN IEC 93
         Surface resistance                                           Ω             > 10 11        DIN 53482                     Surface resistance                                           Ω             > 10 14        DIN 53482

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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