Page 345 - IGUS Linear
P. 345

drylin                                                                                                                                                                                                                    drylin
       stainless     drylin  SHT linear modules | Product range                                                                  drylin  SHT linear modules | Product range                                                      stainless
         steel                                                                                                                                                                                                                     steel
                     Stainless-steel linear modules                                                                              Hygienic design
                            ● 	Corrosion-resistant carriages        Order key                                                                                                                Order key
                              and shaft end supports made of
                              stainless steel                  Type    Size     Options                                                                                                Type      Size   Shaft     Option
                            ● 	High grade stainless steel shafts
                              (AISI 440B)
                            ● 	Stainless steel lead screw
                            ● 	Temperature-resistant
                            ● 	Up to +180°C with iglidur  X              Stainless steel  Bearing material  Shaft material
                            ● 	Food-compliant with                Standard                                                                                                                          Installation size  Shaft material  Hygienic design
                              iglidur  A180                               d                                              l2       	Easily cleaned solution                                 Flexible
                            ● 	Can be configured online as                                                                       ●
                                                                             T                          E2                   d2  ● 	Wide gaps
                              SHTC compact version                              l + stroke
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Materials: plastic and stainless steel
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Lead screw nuts made of FDA-compliant iglidur  A180
                                                                     d                                   l2
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Accessories available u Page 613
                                                                        T                  E3 E2            d2  E1
                                                                    lt                     Al                       lt                                I + Hub
                                                                    tk                 sg                                                                                                    ha   f
                                                                    ts            E3
                                                               kt  lt              Al                lt                                                             d
                                                                 tk             sg
                                                        H        ts
                                                             kt                 kq                                           ha                                               I2
                                                        H               tg          s
                                          R                                                                 ha                    E1                                              d2  E1  R            A
                                                      f                   kq       sk
                                          A  R                      tg       s
                                                      f                      sk                                                                                                Øts
        Technical data
                                                                                                                                                   Øts              d
         Part No.             Max.           Aluminium shaft           Steel shaft      Max. static load capacity                      lt                                  lt
                                                                                                                                                         AI                                    H
                           stroke length                addit.                  addit.                                                                          E2
                                            Weight                 Weight                   axial       radial
                                                      (per 100mm)             (per 100mm)
                              [mm]           [kg]        [kg]        [kg]       [kg]         [N]         [N]
         SHT-ESJ-08            300          0.24        0.05        0.27        0.1         100         360
         SHT-ESJ-12            750           1.1         0.1        1.3         0.2         700        2,800                                      The lead screw linear unit can be delivered
         SHT-ESJ-20           1,000          3.2         0.3        3.9         0.6        1,600       6,400                                      with complete FDA-compliant materials.
         SHT-ESJ-30           1,250          8.6         0.6        10.9        1.4        2,500       10,000

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         Part No.         A      AI      H      E1     E2     E3       I      R      f       lt     tk     ts                    Part No.                   A    Al   H    E1   E2    I   R    f    It  ts   d      T     I2   d2   ha
                         -0.3    -0.3          ±0.15  ±0.15   ±0.15                                                                                        -0.3  -0.3     ±0.15 ±0.15
         SHT-ESJ-08       65     65     23      52     55      55     96     32     1.5    15.5    10     5.5                    SHTC-20-EWM-HYD           130   36   48  108 115  108    72   2   36   9.0  20   Tr18x4  26 12 h9 23
         SHT-ESJ-12       85     85     34      70     73      73    145     42     2.0    30.0    11     6.6
         SHT-ESJ-20      130    130     48     108     115    115    202     72     2.0    36.0    15     9.0
         SHT-ESJ-30      180    180     68     150     158    158    280     96     4.0    50.0    20     13.5

         Part No.          tg      kt      Øs      sk      sg      kq      d       T       l2     d2      ha
                                   ±0.1                                                         Standard
         SHT-ESJ-08       M6x8     7.0     4.2     8       M5      4.6     8     Tr6x2     17    Tr6x2    13
         SHT-ESJ-12      M8x18     6.4     6.3     10      M6      6.0     12    Tr10x2    17   Tr10x2 92)  18
         SHT-ESJ-20      M10x23    8.6     6.4     11      M8      7.0     20    Tr18x4    26    12h9     23
         SHT-ESJ-30      M16x40   12.6    11.0     18     M12     10.6     30    Tr24x5    38    14h9     36

        92)  Lead screw end unmachined                                                                             ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        342 Online tools and more information u                                                             3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u             343
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