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drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                                    drylin  W profile guides | Product range New                                                     profile
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Pillow blocks, square, made from zinc die-casting or aluminium                                              Pillow blocks, square, for narrow assemblies
                                                                Order key - pillow block                                                                                                     Order key - pillow block

                                                          Type                   Size                                                                                                  Type                      Size

                                                                                      Blank: Fixed bearing
                                                                                      LLY:  Floating bearing in

                                                            drylin ®  W  square  Standard  AL:   Pillow block made                                                                       drylin ®  W  square  Narrow  Standard
               Suitable mounting plate                          Liner material   iglidur ®  J200  Pillow block,    LLZ:  Floating bearing in                                                 Liner material   iglidur ®  J200  Pillow block,    Aluminium
               u Page 130                                                          Size     from aluminium                                                                                                         Size

        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                                                                               C1
                                                                                                                                    C1           A3      C1      A4
         Part No.             Floating  Floating   Weight  B   C1 C3    A3   K2     K3     Static load capacity                     C3           A3      C3      A4
                              bearing  bearing                                      for    Coy    Coz+    Coz–               A3            A4
                             clearance direction  [g]  -AL                       head screw  [N]   [N]     [N]
         WJ200QM-01-06           –       –     16    7   18.0 19   10   4.5  M4     M3     420     420    140
         WJ200QM-01-06-AL        –       –     16    7   18.0 19   10   4.5  M4     M3     420     420    140
         WJ200QM-01-06-LLY     ± 0.5   y / z   16    7   18.0 19   10   4.5  M4     M3     420     420    140
         WJ200QM-01-06-LLZ     ± 0.5   y / z   16    7   18.0 19   10   4.5  M4     M3     420     420    140                       B
         WJ200QM-01-10           –       –     41    21  26.0 29   16   6.5  M6     M5     1,200  1,200   250                         K2                  B  K2
         WJ200QM-01-10-AL        –       –     41    21  26.0 29   16   6.5  M6     M5     1,200  1,200   250                                               K2
         WJ200QM-01-10-LLY     ± 0.7   y / z   41    21  26.0 29   16   6.5  M6     M5     1,200  1,200   250                                H                      H  !  Coz-  y y  x
                                                                                                                                                                    H           x  z
         WJ200QM-01-10-LLZ     ± 0.7   y / z   41    21  26.0 29   16   6.5  M6     M5     1,200  1,200   250                                                          !  Coz-   z
         WJ200QM-01-16           –       –    100    51  34.5 36   18   9.0  M8     M6     2,100  2,100   400
         WJ200QM-01-16-AL        –       –    100    51  34.5 36   18   9.0  M8     M6     2,100  2,100   400
         WJ200QM-01-16-LLY     ± 1.0   y / z  100    51  34.5 36   18   9.0  M8     M6     2,100  2,100   400
         WJ200QM-01-16-LLZ     ± 1.0   y / z  100    51  34.5 36   18   9.0  M8     M6     2,100  2,100   400                    Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         WJ200QM-01-20           –       –    190   104 42.5 45    27   9.0  M8     M6     3,200  3,200   500                    Part No.                    Weight    B    C1     C3    A3     A4     K2     H     Static load capacity
         WJ200QM-01-20-AL        –       –    190   104 42.5 45    27   9.0  M8     M6     3,200  3,200   500                                                                                               ±0.25  Coy    Coz+    Coz–
         WJ200QM-01-20-LLY     ± 1.0   y / z  190   104 42.5 45    27   9.0  M8     M6     3,200  3,200   500                                                  [g]                                                  [N]     [N]    [N]
         WJ200QM-01-20-LLZ     ± 1.0   y / z  190   104 42.5 45    27   9.0  M8     M6     3,200  3,200   500                    WJ200QMS-01-06-AL New         6.3    18     19    10   13.5   3.50    M4    14     210    140    210
         WJ200QM-01-25           –       –    435   212 52.5 58    36 11.0 M10      M8     4,800  4,800   950                    WJ200QMS-01-10-AL New        17.1    23     29    16   18.5   4.75    M6    20     600    250    600
         WJ200QM-01-25-AL        –       –    435   212 52.5 58    36 11.0 M10      M8     4,800  4,800   950                    WJ200QMS-01-16-AL New        43.1    35     36    18   28.5   7.25    M8    27    1,050   400    1,050
         WJ200QM-01-25-LLY     ± 1.0   y / z  435   212 52.5 58    36 11.0 M10      M8     4,800  4,800   950                    WJ200QMS-01-20-AL New        90.1    42     45    27   35.0   9.00    M8    36    1,600   500    1,600
         WJ200QM-01-25-LLZ     ± 1.0   y / z  435   212 52.5 58    36 11.0 M10      M8     4,800  4,800   950                    WJ200QMS-01-25-AL New        182.4   52     58    36   43.0   10.75  M10    45    2,400   950    2,400

               Order example:   WJ200QM-01-06: Pillow block, square
                              WJ200QM-01-06-LLZ: Pillow block, square, with floating bearing in z-direction
                              WJ200QM-01-06-AL: Pillow block, square, made from aluminium

        Can be combined with:                                                                                                    Can be combined with:

        WSQ-…        WSQ-…        WSX-...                                                                          ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  WSQ-…  WSQ-…  WSX-...

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