P. 12
Each school has a different philosophy. For example,in certain schools,students are
required to call the staff by their name to create intimacy, do not need to wear a
school uniform, can individually plan their enrolled units and choose to join any sports
team they prefer. Conversely, it is different in other schools, where students have to
call the staff by their family name, wear uniform, study Latin class as a mandatory
unit, and must be a representative of a sports team or a member of the school choir.
These mentioned factors do put an impact on students’ school life. K$;'H$3B
-.33)".%.; Parent should also check the workload of homework and assignments
Each School has a wide range of subjects for students to choose from depending on 5I(3+".33)".%+3&+"():)()'/
their interests and abilities. Hence, in case students have specific interests, studying
third languages: German or Mandarin for example,it is important to check whether It is essential to check the number of extracurricular activities or clubs the school
each school offers the particular subject. offers, the activities fee and whether it is mandatory for students to participate. Each
school has different strengths for extracurricular activities. Some schools focus on
4"+,';)"&5:+%.+()$*& sports while others focus on music or performing arts. If children have a specific
interest or talent, parents should select the school that specially supports students’
It is also essential to check how often students’ progress report is conducted, distinct talent. Some schools do offer scholarships (or special tuition reductions)
whether it is reported in verbal or in writing, what the criteria of the evaluation are, when students have talents in some particular skills.
and how frequent the parent-teacher conferences are held.
Parents should make sure whether each school provides a variety of sports for
Most international students are boarders, meaning that they have to spend both students to choose from and whether boys and girls can equally choose to play
weekdays and weekends at school. Parents should ask the school about the number of the sport of their choice.
boarders, including those who stay only on weekdays, as well as the type of dormitory.
For students in full-semester boarding schools (students not going home on weekdays), 63+:'%
they will have more activities provided at school during the weekends than those with
only weekday boarders.. Parents should be informed of the mode of transport of students from and to
homestay as well as the duration of the travel. Nowadays, transportation in various
&6'+"#'3/ countries either by car or trains has become more convenient. Most schools will
arrange transportation for students from and to the airport.
Parents should also look into the relationship between students and teachers whether
teachers provide students with extracurricular activities. !"#$$%&,$".;'*(/
!"#$$%&L+")%)()'/ Is it essential that parents are informed of the curriculum and course details of
the school and academic performance. Parents should also check whether the
It is important to check whether schools provide facilities available for special school journals are sent to parents and through which channel that schools will
subjects like music, computers, art, science and technology, how updated and communicate with parents.
current the books and equipment in the library are, how the library system is
managed, and what sport facilities are provided. 5*0%)/#&%+*0.+0'&/.22$3(
!(.,'*(/&2+3()")2+()$*&&)*&/"#$$%& In case students need more support with the English language, parents may inquire
,'")/)$*<;+B)*0 with the school to see if the school offers additional language classes for international
Parents should also ensure that students will be able to participate in schools’ students. Some schools have International study centers for international students,
decision-making in various matters. offering a small-group class. Each subject is taught by teachers with experience
in teaching international students.