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Pros of all-girls schools
• Most all-girls school are in the top rank in the school ranking table. • Women are expected to be able balance their life. To do that they need leadership
• Boys and girls hit puberty at different times in their development and learn differently. skills, self-confidence, honesty, and instinct to achieve their goals.
• Girls tend to be less shy in surrounding of an all-girl environment. • An all-girls schools in the 21st century has a modern and challenging environment.
• During teenage years, girls become more aware of how they look. Sometimes it can • Parents usually wants their girls to be confident and well-prepared – an all girls-school
be overwhelming resulting in anxiety. However, this can be lessened in an appropriate prepares girls to be able to face the complicated and ever-changing world.
environment. • All-girls schools treat everyone equally in every possible way.
• Girls will benefit from schools that accept their differences with suitable education • Most all-girls schools have activities along-side all-boys schools in both curricula and
that matches their needs and acknowledges their specialties and specific interests. extra curricula activities, which includes social events as well.
• As girls will become women in the future, their ambition in work and lifestyle should not
be limited therefore Girls schools encourage a wide range of choice.
Pros of all-boys schools
• Most top academic scores usually comes from students in all-boys or all-girls schools. affect their confidence and self-esteem.
• Boys have different ways of learning compared to girls. Therefore ways of teaching • Boys may feel less shy and nervous if they study in all-boys schools. Boys tend not
should also be different. According to research, boys and girls have different discipline to participate in certain activities that might be embarrassing. Studying in all-boys
when performing in class and exams. schools allows them to express their interest in art and to enjoy different artistic skills
• In all-boys or all-girls school, there is less stereotype concerning sexuality than co-ed- such as music or drama.
ucation schools. For example, subjects on languages may seem less interesting by boys • During teenage years, boys are concerned how they look. However, this type of pressure
in co-education school s because they feel the subject is for girls. Alternatively, boys can be lessened in a same-gender environment.
are perceived to be better at maths than girls. However, these stereotype do not usually • In the beginning of their teenage years, being in a romantic relationship with the opposite
happen in all-boys school, resulting in more educational opportunities. gender may not be just puppy love if they are in an inappropriate environment and this
• Boys usually lack confidence during puberty and , are afraid of dealing with pressures. could affect their academic performance.
However, they tend to perform better with short-term and clear goals. • Most all-boys schools have activities along-side all-girls schools in both curriculams
• Some boys feel that they are inferior to girls in certain subjects and these concerns and extra curricula activities which includes social events as well.
Pros of co-education school
• Girls and boys learn to respect the opposite gender and to be able to live in harmony ways of teaching thus reducing the chance of stereotyping.
with others. and are more resilient when studying in a mixed school. • Even though the strong points for boys and girls are different, they should receive equal
• Both girls and boys should benefit from good-quality education, rich resources, opportunities and their differences should be respected.
excellent care and extra curriculums that are available in the one environment. • Co-education schools prepare students to better face the real world because in reality,
• Their academic and cultural life is more vibrant. Opportunities for sport playing and men and women live together either for work or living.
social gather are broader. Students will have more benefits in activities like art, drama, • The main goal of schools is to teach students to become fine people so that they will grow
music, and debate from exchanging thoughts with the opposite gender. into decent adults and good quality citizens of society in the future being able to improve
• They can study in the same school as their siblings. and take care of themselves in a balanced societal environment of both men and women.
• Co-education schools have more variables meaning that there will be more different