Page 963 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 963
Designing Designing
with igus ® Design parameters | Cable and hose packages Design parameters | Cable and hose packages with igus ®
General rules for cables and hoses in e-chains ® Distribution in e-chains ®
Data and energy supply in all forms – in an energy chain system Cables and hoses with very different
Rules for: The key advantage of an igus e-chain system is the safe accommodation of various forms of diameters should be laid separately. The
Maximum cable diameters data cables and energy supply in one system. We recommend the optimal separation layout of separation is achieved using modular
Separation the cables and hoses in the e-chain , but you, the customer, are still afforded the final choice. separators.
Bend radius It is possible, for instance, to maintain minimum distances between bus and motor cables and Cables and hoses must under no
mix pneumatics, electric and hydraulics in the same compartments. circumstances have the opportunity to
tangle. Therefore, the clearance height of
In addition to the quality of the cables a compartment with several similar cables
used, the arrangement of each service or hoses next to one another must not
within the e-chain and the space allowed, amount to more than one and a half
are important for the service life of the times the cable/hose diameter. D1 + D2 > 1.2 x hi d1 + d2 ≤ 1.2 x hi
system. Various separation options enable
the adaptation of the e-chains to the Expressed in rules, this means:
specific requirements of each respective
application. Generalised rules such as "No Rule 1:
more than 80% of the clear space of energy If D1 + D2 > 1.2 x e-chain inner height, no
chains should be used" no longer make separation between the two cables/ hoses is
sense given the complexity of present-day necessary. Two cables/ hoses should never
applications. In this chapter, we give you be left unguided on top of one another or be
detailed recommendations. Due to the allowed to become tangled.
variety of the application parameters, we Hydraulics and electric cables are separated
strongly recommend you take advantage of from one another in this example Rule 2:
our free consultation services.Simply give us if d1 + d2 ≤ 1.2 x e-chain inner height, a d1 + d2 ≤ 1.2 x hi
a list of your cable requirements (or merely vertical separator or a horizontal shelf must
the required electrical or other services) and be used to reduce the inner height. Thereby
you will receive our recommendation. preventing the entanglement of d1 and d2.
Maximum cable and The reason for this rule is:
hose diameters The cables and hoses must be laid so
that they can move freely at all times and
The maximum cable and/or hose diameter so that no tensile force is exerted at the
corresponds to the inner height of the radius of the e-chains .
selected e-chain /e-tube, with additional
minimum clearance. This minimum clearance For high-speed applications and high cycles,
would be, for example, 10% for round cables or hoses must not be laid on top of Clearance space for round electrical cables
electrical cables, 20% for hydraulic hoses. each other without horizontal separation.
An e-chain is ideal if a minimum lateral gap The standard values for this are:
Electrical cables need at least to the next cable or hose has been factored Well ordered cables with igus interior
10% clearance space all around, in. Depending on the nature of the cables, separation Travel speed over 0.5m/s and cycles over Clearance space in % for various cables
hydraulic hoses need 20% the dynamics, and the expected service life, 10,000 p.a.
more clearance must be allowed. In specific Cables Clearance
cases, clearances may be altered further. igus interior separation offers a safe solution
The maximum cable diameter Please contact us. for this situation. Round electrical cables 10%
is specified for each series Electrical flat cables 10%
in its respective chapter Pneumatics 5-10%
Hydraulics 20%
Media hoses 15-20%
956 More information: Service life calculation, configuration and more information 957