Page 965 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 965

Designing                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Designing
       with igus ®   Design parameters | Cable and hose packages                                                                 Design parameters | Round electrical cables                                                     with igus ®

                     Further guidelines                                                                                          Round electrical cables
                     for distribution
                                                                                                                                 For electrical cables, the round cable is a safe, modular and cost-effective solution for e-chain systems . We recommend
                        The cable weight should be symmetrically                                                                 the following criteria for selecting the proper round electrical cables:
                       distributed across the width of the
                       e-chain .                                                                                                 Selection criteria:
                        Cables with different outer jacket                                                                          Small minimum bend radii and mounting
                       materials must not be allowed to rub                                                                       heights
                       together. If necessary, they must be laid                                                                    Long service life at minimum bend radius
                       separately. All igus  chainflex  cables can                                                                  Service life expectations for your
                       be combined with each other and other                                                                      application (short or long travel, hanging)
                       brands of cables.                                                                                            Test data on service life from realistic tests
                        The cables should always be fixed at the   The igus  construction kit of energy chain systems solves all the     Uncomplicated installation process - no
                       moving  end. The fixed end  should also   requirements for interior separation known today.                hanging, laying out, etc, of cables required
                       always have strain relief. Exceptions are                                                                    Strain relief integrated directly into the   Example at igus  test laboratory: constant development and testing
                       made only for certain hydraulic hoses                                                                      mounting bracket                     of chainflex  cables
                       with length compensation issues or other                                                                     Flexible shields for shielded cables
                       high pressure hoses. (refer to "hydraulic                                                                    Abrasion-resistant  and  non-adhesive
                       hoses").                                                                                                   outer jackets
                        Generally, the faster and more frequently                                                                   Large selection to avoid expensive custom
                       the e-chain  operates, the more important                                                                  designs
                       the exact positioning of the cables and
                       hoses inside the e-chain  becomes. Due                                                                    For bus cables and fibre optic cables, special
                       to the wide variety of the possibilities, we                                                              attention must be paid to how effective
                       strongly recommend you take advantage                                                                     transmission rates and shielding remain
                       of our free consultation services for your                                                                after millions of cycles at the minimum bend
                       specific applications.                                                                                    radius.

                     Bend radius R                         igus  chainflex  cables permit the smallest bend radius of 5 x d for
                                                           one million strokes.
                        The bend radius of your e-chain
                       depends on the thickest or stiffest cable
                       or hose in your application.
                        The bend radii of the e-chains  should be
                       adjusted to the recommendations of the
                       cable or hose manufacturer. The selection
                       of a larger radius than the minimum will
                       positively affect service life.
                        The specification of minimum bend
                       radii for cables refers to use at normal
                       temperatures.  Other  bend  radii  may  be
                       recommended. Please ask your cable
                       supplier for details.

                                                           The igus  product range offers up to 12 different bend radii for each
                                                           chain series from stock. Here series 50 in the Storebaelt bridge

                     We recommend complete e-chain systems , - where bend radii for all cables and hoses, interior separation and service
                     life are optimally matched. Also ask for the igus  system guarantee.     readychain  from page 910

        958          More information:                                                            Service life calculation, configuration and more information        959
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