Page 970 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 970
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Information | Approvals and standards Information | Approvals and standards
NFPA EAC certificates
The US National Fire Protection Association tion of electrical systems in industrial machin- EAC (Eurasian Conformity) is a testing stand- Prior to certification, companies must submit
(NFPA), is a non-profit organisation that has ery and equipment used in the USA. With the ards that is binding for components to be an application to an accredited certification
been active in fire protection since 1896. help of the standard, designers can develop exported to Russia. The proof of compliance body in the EAWU (Eurasian Economic Union).
NFPA publishes numerous safety standards safe machines with the highest level of protec- with fire protection regulations for Russia, Ka- The application includes:
including electrical standards that are used in tion for operating personnel. zakhstan and Belarus (previously covered by Detailed product description
the USA today. NFPA 79-2018 includes the topic "Special Ca- CTP), is now integrated in the EAC certificates. Product designation
These include the "NFPA 79 - Electrical Stand- bles and Conductors" relevant for chainflex The certifications were introduced after Rus- Customs tariff code
ard for Industrial Machinery". The subject of cables in section 12.9. sia's accession to the World Trade Organisa- {0}Technical pass
the standard is primarily the correct applica- tion (WTO) in 2012. They replace the so-called Security review
GOST certifications. Operating instructions
More details online: Technical drawings The EAC certification is for export products Technical data sheet
and provides proof that the products conform Test reports
to the technical requirements of the customs Already existing certificates: ISO, DIN, CE
CLPA union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The certificate/approval document for a prod-
Without this verification, imports into the cus-
The CC-Link Partner Association is an organisa- In addition to the marketing of this standard, CC- toms union are prohibited. uct must generally be available in Russian and
tion based in Japan and represented in 11 regions Link products that are to be used for this stand- The EAC follows the Russian machinery direc- in the local language.
of the world. ard are tested by this organisation and, if they are tive TR-753, which previously had to be taken
The purpose of CLPA is to spread and establish technically compliant with the corresponding certif- into account when exporting to the Eurasian If products have EAC and CTP certification,
the industry network "CC-Link" standard world- icates, are approved for use in CC-Link networks. economic area. this speeds up their release at customs and
wide. thus enables fast and uncomplicated import
into the destination country of the customs
More details online: union.
More details online:
DNV approval
The maritime economy is developing towards The components used in maritime environments
more automation and digitalisation: Whether ves- have to meet different requirements than those of More information:
sel manufacture, shipping companies or the gas classic factory automation on land.
and oil industry - ships are becoming autonomous This requires a separate approval for the opera-
factories, shipping companies are becoming ful- tion of these components. The certification society
ly-fledged logistics providers, and refineries are be- checks compliance with international standards
coming automated conveyor systems. and guidelines, which are applied accordingly to
DNV is responsible for certifications in the mari- these components. If existing regulations or stand-
time environment, offshore facilities, gas and oil ards do not describe the application sufficiently,
pipelines, and onshore applications such as wind, additional testing measures are defined or devel-
tidal or solar energy. The classification society was oped.
formed in 2012 through the merger of the Norwe-
gian company Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Ger- If products have DNV approval, it simplifies and
manischer Lloyd (GL). speeds up their use in the maritime sector, as it is
not necessary to test individual components.
More details online:
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