Page 973 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 973

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                     Information | Approvals and standards                                                                       Information | Approvals and standards

                             REACH directive                                                                                     CE mark

                             The term REACH stands for a regulation called   and its rules for the production and process-       The CE marking makes it clear that the manu-  Risk assessment - the iterative procedure
                             Registration,  Evaluation,  Authorisation and   ing of chemical substances are observed at          facturer of a product such as chainflex  cables   consists of:
                             Restriction of Chemicals.                  igus . For example, no chemicals are used in             complies with the applicable EU directives.     Verification of the intended use of e.g.
                                                                        the production of chainflex  cables that are             The CE marking is not a seal of approval or   e-chain  and chainflex  cables
                             Its scope covers manufacturers or importers   above the valid REACH limits. The entire range        quality mark and was created for trade in the      Analysis of conceivable, foreseeable misuse
                             of more than one tonne of substances per   of chainflex  cables is free from materials such         European Economic Area.                       Determination of relevant and valid stand-
                             year into the European Union.              as sodium peroxometaborates, cadmium sul-                                                             ards for the production of chainflex  cables
                                                                        phides or also dihexyl phthalates.                          The CE certification basis has come to en-  and e-chains
                             The REACH directive is only partially valid for                                                       compass more than 25 EU directives (issue     Determination of specific requirements and
                             igus : As a manufacturer of cables, the com-                                                          2020).                                     conditions for the use of chainflex  cables
                             pany is defined as a so-called "downstream                                                             The CE certificate is a kind of voluntary     Research of the responsible "notified body",
                             user" with regard to the value add chain. Nev-                                                        commitment.                                e.g. at the accreditation body DAkkS (In-
                             ertheless, the contents of the REACH directive                                                         The CE mark on a machine and the cor-     stitute for the monitoring of all certification,
                                                                                                                                   responding signature confirms that this ma-  testing and inspection bodies)
                                                                                                                                   chine was planned, designed and built in     (Laboratory) tests of the chainflex  cables
                                    More details online:                                                                           accordance with the applicable standards.   and e-chains
                                                                   The CE marking is part of further reg-     Data evaluation
                                                                                                                                   ulations.  These  include   the   Ma-       Preparation of technical documentation and
                                                                                                                                   chinery  Directive,  the   Electromag-     translation into target languages
                                                                                                                                   netic  Compatibility  (EMC)  Directive,     Creation of the certificate/provision for
                             RoHS-II / RoHS-III                                                                                    the Low Voltage Directive (often referred to     Attaching the CE mark
                                                                                                                                   as LVD), RoHS substance restrictions and
                             More safety for people and the environ-    Materials  research  in  recent  years  has  also          protective equipment, etc.
                             ment                                       produced new jacket materials which, among
                             The abbreviation RoHS stands for  Restric-  other things, do not contain hazardous plas-            CE conformity is based on a complex risk as-
                             tion of Hazardous Substances and regulates   ticisers and thus function flexibly in dynamic         sessment.
                             the use of selected hazardous substances   applications. Until now, plasticisers have been
                             in electrical and electronic equipment, which   used in industry mainly where plastics had to
                             includes cables. By complying with this di-  remain particularly pliable, soft and elastic in
                             rective, companies prove that problematic   use.                                                          More details online:
                             materials such as lead, mercury or phthalates                                                   
                             - known as plasticisers - have been banned   igus  develops and tests special jacket mate-
                             from electronic waste and also from working   rials for use in e-chains in its own laboratory,            More information:
                             environments. One example is lead. It occurs,   which are RoHS II /III compliant according to   
                             among other things, in the form of solder on   the respective requirements.
                             circuit boards, which are installed in complex
                             machine systems in a variety of ways.

                                                                                                                                 Like CE marking, UKCA marking ("United Kingdom   Technical details and further regulations in this
                                    More details online:                                                                         Conformity Assessed") is a marking requirement for   regard are still being developed by the English
                                                                                                                                 certain technical products.                government and trade associations.
                                                                                                                                 With this marking, the manufacturer declares that the   As a result of the national development of prod-
                                                                                                                                 products are manufactured according to the applica-  uct regulations, it is possible that there will be
                                                                                                                                 ble directives or regulations of the "United Kingdom".   product requirements that differ from those of
                                                                                                                                 UKCA marking is not a seal of approval or sign of qual-  the EU and must be complied with by manufac-
                                                                                                                                 ity and was created for trade with the "United King-  turers and importers wishing to place products
                                                                                                                                 dom". Technical details and further regulations in this   on the market in the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                                                 regard are still being developed by the English govern-  All information: As at 08/2021.
                                                                                                                                 ment and trade associations.

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