Page 969 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 969
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Welcome to the world ... UL listed certify that the cable is in accordance with
Cables for applications that can be fully de-
scribed in a standard are certified as "UL List- "UL Listed" and then to manufacture, test and
The chainflex approvals and their significance: ed". Example: A cable for a washing machine mark according to "UL Listed". It is not permis-
® power supply can be clearly described for its sible to use a different kind of cable in such a
application; therefore a normative description clearly described application in the USA.
of the application of the cable and the asso-
UL Marketing Claim Verification ciated test setup can be clearly defined. To
Today, plant safety or availability can be the to America, right through to commissioning.
decisive reason to choose one machine over Those who use chainflex cables in energy
another. chains can have confidence in terms of param-
As the complexity of the machines and num- eters such as temperature, type of movement,
ber of electrical parts increases, the difficulty torsion, media influence or minimum bend ra- UL/CSA Recognized
for designers to choose the best product also dius. The "UL/CSA Recognized" certification marks to insulation material, jacket material and de-
increases. are issued for components of larger systems. sign. From this cable manufacturers develop
This is not helped by the fact that there is a The complex certification procedure (diagram In this case, only components that are not in- a combination that works, which means that
lot of marketing information given, which is not 1) for the "igus 36-month chainflex cable tended for a single, precisely defined installa- it can be used for a specific customer appli-
norm based, and therefore difficult for the de- guarantee and service life calculator based on tion or application are certified. cation.
signer to verify the facts. 2 billion test cycles per year" claim, was carried Cables for applications that cannot be de-
This is where the UL Marketing Claim Verifica- out by auditors of the US institute at the igus scribed normatively and completely are then Be aware: "UL/CSA Recognized" describes a
tion initiated by UL will help the designer. HQ in Cologne. certified according to "UL/CSA Recognized" large, extremely varied range of applications.
This is because UL checks the marketing state- (AWM). Here, it is the responsibility of the designer and
ments of the supplier for the technical data and To achieve this, the processes and logic of manufacturer of such an "AWM cable" to work
accuracy. service life determination were evaluated in a Example: Cables for use in energy chains out and carry out appropriate additional tests
comprehensive audit program of the 3,800 m² are so diverse and complex that a normative to prove a specific application, e.g. in an ener-
The UL verified label now proves that the chainflex test laboratory, which has over 800 description is impossible. This is where the " gy chain.
guarantee and quality statements for chain- parallel running tests and over 2 billion test cy- UL/CSA Recognized" certification is applica-
flex cables and their durability, service life cles per year. ble. It allows cable developers a whole range
and functionality have been certified by UL. of different combinable options with respect
For companies that use these cables in their The following four areas were scrutinised:
equipment, they offer more safety from pur-
chasing parts for machine construction, cus- UL
toms clearance and shipping of the machines The institution responsible for approval in Understanding allows use in both countries,
the USA is Underwriters Laboratories (UL). regardless of the place of certification. Both
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) testing organisations distinguish between the
is responsible for it in Canada. Certification so-called "UL/CSA Listed" and "UL/CSA Rec-
guidelines and certification processes differ ognized" certification, both of which fulfil nor-
in their complexity, depending on the market mative safety requirements that are verified by
and country. A so-called Memorandum of test procedures.
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Figure 1: The complex process to get the UL marketing certificate (source: igus )
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