P. 1020
triflex R trifl ex R | RSP retraction system | Advantages
Pneumatic retraction system
Up to 780mm retraction length with
TRC, TRE and TRCF e-chains Pneumatic
(please order matching e-chain separately)
Increased protection
against failure by system -
optional end position
monitoring trifl ex RSP
trifl ex RSP prevents loops on the robot head,
with a continuously adjustable retraction
Standard pneumatic force. Extension lengths of up to 780mm
components for enable a secure guidance of the cables and
easy integration hoses, even with large arm diameters and
very complex movements. The retraction
forces can be adjusted using a pneumatic
Pressure cylinder. Whether light or heavy fi ll weights,
compensation unit long or short robot arms - with the igus RSP
for an adjustable retraction system the retraction force can be
retraction force adjusted to the individual application.
● For axis 3-6 on industrial robots
● Larger retraction forces than RS system
● Even larger e-chains up to Ø 125mm can
Open system, low be guided safely
profi le design ● Almost constant force over the complete
travel, even with heavy fi ll weights
● The end position can be monitored so
damage can be prevented
● Mounting options for numerous robot models
Custom connection and manufacturers with adapter consoles
possibilities using ● Very low energy consumption with integrated
adapter consoles air reservoir
Double retraction
distance relative to
the overall length
1018 More information ex-RSP
05.06.23 18:59
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 1018 05.06.23 18:59
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 1018