P. 1036
triflex R
RSE trifl ex R | RSE·RSEC linear retraction system | Advantages
Compact retraction system, linear
Up to 490mm retraction length
with trifl ex RSE linear Compact
For TRC·TRE·TRCF series
with a ø index of 40-100mm system -
(please order matching ®
e-chain separately) trifl ex RSE and
RSEC linear
Simple, linear retraction without It is increasingly the case that not only electric
sags, fi bre rods, or guide rollers power and fl uids have to be supplied to
production robots; but also laser cables and
supply hoses for rivets, pins and screws.
Special linear guide with As these often cannot function with small
no small bend radii bend radii, the new trifl ex RSE and RSEC
relies on very easy linear retraction without
loops and spring rods or defl ection rollers.
Custom connection possibilities The purpose of the trifl ex RSE and RSEC
using adapter consoles retraction system is to hold the e-chain as
closely as possible to the robot arm in order
to prevent the e-chain from intruding upon
Maintenance-free igus or blocking the robot's movements.
drylin W linear unit ● Simple, linear retraction without sags,
fi bre rods, or guide rollers
● For series TRC·TRE·TRCF with ø-index
Compact design, 40-100mm
no loops ● Special linear guide with no small bend
● Up to 490mm retraction length
Cost-eff ective ● Space-saving and cost-eff ective
● Maintenance-free drylin W linear unit
1034 More information ex-RSElinear
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 1034 05.06.23 18:59
05.06.23 18:59
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