P. 1126
igus solutions for special applications | Overview
Multi-axis motion From page 1126
e-spool fl ex 2.0 - e-spool compact e-spool for e-spool e-spool power -
continuous - manual operation - standard and HD motor-driven for
panel feed space-saving, reliable and - fl exible use long extension
spring-driven space-saving lengths
●Can be used ●Manual workplaces ●Robot teach ●Telescopic ●Theatre, stage and
wherever a cable ●Workstations pendants applications lighting technology
must move freely ●Assembly lines ●Workstations ●Theatre, stage and ●Indoor and
during use and must ●Small telescopic/ ●Assembly lines lighting technology outdoors cranes
be stowed away retractable ●Space-saving
safely after use applications alternative to zig-
zag solutions
Page 1132 Page 1136 Page 1138 Page 1140 Page 1144
Vertical movements From page 1146 More information online ...
liftband - cable guidelok e-loop - safe guidelok slimline guidelite GLV -
guidance up slimline P - cable guidance P.S - lightweight lighter, lower
to 13m height safe vertical for hanging plastic noise, simpler
with limited guidance applications construction, and less cost
installation space cost-eff ective
●Theatre and ●Storage and ●Off shore ●Storage and ●Shuttle systems
stage technology retrieval units ●Oil and gas retrieval units ●High bay
●Indoor cranes ●Lifts industry ●Lifts warehouse
●Mobile telescopic ●Elevators ●Shore power ●Construction ●Lifts
antennas ●Construction connections and crane lifts ●Hoists
and crane lifts ●Construction ●Automated
●Hoists machinery car parks
●Automatic mini- ●Wind turbines ●Ship lifts
load system
Page 1146 Page 1152 Page 1158 Online Online
1124 More information
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