P. 1129

Solutions for

                                                  multi-axis motion

                                                 e-spool                           ®

                                                  The alternative to cable

                                                  reeling drums - reduce
                                                  cable wear and reliably

                                                  guide diff erent media

                                                  together in one system

                                                  e-spool  advantages:
                                                  ●  Energy supply is possible in all directions
                                                   (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)
                                                  ●  More versatile and fl exible to use than cable reeling drums
                                                  ●  Diff erent media (power, data, and fl uids) can
                                                   be routed together in one system
                                                  ●  If travels must be kept free
                                                  ●  If the technical system is to be hidden
                                                   behind false ceilings/fl oors
                                                  ●  Very well suited for use in theatre and stage technology

                                                  When to use another system:
                                                  ●  With very high loads that have to be guided vertically
                                                     zig-zag applications, page 127
                                                  ●  For high dynamics with lateral accelerations
                                                     guidelok slimline P, page 1152


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