P. 1185
Solutions for
horizontal motion
micro fl izz ®
Guide energy, data, air
and liquids together in
ONE compact system
Advantages of micro fl izz :
● Compact, quiet, cost-eff ective complete system
as a maintenance-free alternative to a busbar
● e-chain is guided in special slots, no gliding
● Smooth running due to ball bearings in the guide carriages
● Fast assembly due to pre-confi gured, modular system
● Low space requirement
● Also available as pre-assembled system
● Easy to clean, hardly any abrasion
When to use another system:
● For an upper run guide for long
travels, unsupported in swarf areas
guidelok horizontal, page 1168
● For a cost-eff ective and fully enclosed complete solution
basic fl izz , page 1174
05.06.23 19:05
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16)-ASEAN-SPECIAL-SOLUTIONS-2022.indd 1183 05.06.23 19:05