P. 1189
micro fl izz | How it works
The upper run and lower run of the fl izz e-chain are separated from each
other, which means less friction and less energy used when the e-chain
Winglets hold the e-chain securely in the guidance channel
Plastic springs cause the e-chain to roll along gently in the fl izz channel,
as a result noise is signifi cantly reduced
Integrated strain relief in the guide carriage for secure fi xation of the cables
Universal connection possible due to three T-slots
Attachment of the e-chain by roller carriage on the moving end
Reverse travel: double fi lling or two independent travels possible
No friction between
upper run and
lower run
chainflex special cables for micro flizz ®
For the micro fl izz ® system, igus ® has many suitable, highly-fl exible special chainfl ex ® cables for dynamic applications, available
from stock! More information ex
3D-CAD data, confi gurators, service life calculators and more izz 1187
16)-ASEAN-SPECIAL-SOLUTIONS-2022.indd 1187 05.06.23 19:05
05.06.23 19:05
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