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OCR offi ce e-chain | Introduction | Advantages
Mounting brackets with Award-winning
various attachment options
design - moving
Can be attached with energy made
integrated magnets,
adhesive strip or screws more practical -
Magnetic clips: OCR offi ce
for intermediate attachment ®
of the OCR offi ce chain at e-chain
any point along its length
Routing cables at home or in the office is
often a difficult task. Numerous cables of
Save time: printers, monitors and other devices need to
simply press cables in, be organised. With the OCR offi ce e-chain
with "easy" design from igus , this is done in a fl ash. The highlight
of this e-chain is that you can implement both
movable and locked guides and also combine
Abrasion-optimised: them if required: e-chains links extended =
cable-friendly due to fl exible, compressed = locking. The mounting
smooth interior brackets can be used to tape the chain on,
attach it with screws or secure it in diff erent
places with magnets.
Flexible use: The intermediate bracket makes it possible to
the OCR can be locked attach parts of the e-chain to metal surfaces
(compressed) and with metal clips.
fl exible (extended) ● Intermediate bracket can simply be clipped
onto the e-chain at any point.
● Can be attached with integrated magnets,
Colours: adhesive strip or screws
diff erent colours available ● Flexible fi tting
upon request ● Each OCR e-chain link can be used either
as fl exible or locked
● Mounting bracket with magnets for easy
Stylish: attachment
reddot design award ● Diff erent colours upon request
winner 2018 ● reddot design award winner 2018
Typical industries and applications
● Offi ce equipment ● Furniture making ● IT
systems ● Wherever cables have to be routed
196 More information
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