P. 200

OCR offi  ce e-chain  | Technical data | Order key

                       Technical data

                            e-chain  material - permitted temperature °C, igumid  NB  -40°C / +80°C
                            Mounting bracket material - permitted temperature °C, igumid  NB  -40°C / +80°C
                            Intermediate bracket material - permitted temperature °C, igumid  NB  -40°C / +80°C
                            Flammability class, igumid  NB                      VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB

                       Order example | Order key and colour options

                            Order example for complete e-chain  (1.0m),
                            colour black, with mounting brackets and intermediate brackets:
                       e-chain  (1.0m)   Please indicate e-chain ®  length or number of links: 1.0m or 40 links  OCR.50.0
                       + Mounting brackets  1 set                                      OCR.500.12

                       + intermediate bracket piece, depending on application / customer request*.  OCR.500.3
                       Order text:       1m OCR.50.0 + OCR.500.12 (+ X piece* OCR.500.3)

                            Order key
                         Split crossbar along the outer radius  OCR.50.0 Order index for colour options
                                                        Colour    Order index  Colour  Order index
                                                          Black   Standard  .0  Orange  Special colour  .2
                                                          Silver-grey  Special colour  .31  Yellow  Special colour  .4
                                 Series / Type            White   Special colour  .1  Light grey  Special colour  .14
                          Width index (depends on Ba)     Grey-white  Special colour  .1S
                          Colour index (standard black)  Black e-chains ®  ready to ship in 24 - 48hrs.*
                                                         Above special colours upon request.

                         Simple cable guidance system for office furniture - OCO
                         The OCO.20 (Offi  ce Chain Oval) design study is a simple cable guidance system
                         for offi  ce furniture. It is movable in two directions and impresses with its timeless,
                         clear design. It can also be shortened or lengthened and attached very easily.
                         Upon request, more information

                       198 More information

                                                                                             05.06.23   18:31
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