P. 230

E08     easy chain  | Series E08·Z08 | Product range
                        Z08                                                             14.6  14.7
                                Small pitch, simply press cables in
                                                                                       Version E Version Z

                       ... Z08
                                                                     ... E08

                       Version E | Series E08 | "easy" design, split crossbar along the outer radius
                       Version Z | Series Z08 | "easy" design, split crossbar along the inner radius

                       Part No.    Part No.      Bi   Ba*  R Available bend radii          Weight
                       Version E   Version Z     [mm]  [mm]  [mm]                           [kg/m]
                       E08.10.R.0 1)  Z08.10.R.0 1)  10  18.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |       ≈ 0.21
                       E08.16.R.0 2)  Z08.16.R.0 2)  16  24.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |       ≈ 0.24
                       E08.20.R.0  Z08.20.R.0    20   28.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |          ≈ 0.25
                       E08.30.R.0  Z08.30.R.0    30   38.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |          ≈ 0.28
                       E08.40.R.0  Z08.40.R.0    40   48.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |          ≈ 0.31
                       E08.50.R.0  Z08.50.R.0    50   58.2  | 028  | 038  | 048  |          ≈ 0.37
                       1) Crossbars do not overlap. Gap = 5.5mm / 2) Crossbars do not overlap. Gap = 4.0mm
                       Ba*: pin dimension approx. 1.4mm - 1.8mm wider.
                       Complete Part No. with required radius (R). Example: E08.10.028.0

                       Installation dimensions
                         Fill weight [kg/m]  0.75                              E08 Inner height [mm]  14.6
                                                                               Z08 Inner height [mm]
                                                                               Pitch [mm/link]
                                                          mm              14.6/14.7  19.3  Links/m   50
                                             FL B                              corresponds to [mm]  1,000
                         0.50                                                  e-chain ®  length  L K / 2  + K
                                                                                              = S
                                       FL G                              S
                         0.25                              D             S/2
                                                                      Moving end
                           0     0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00                  Fixed end            H  HF = H + 15
                            Unsupported length FL G  / FL B  [m]  R  20            28      H - 19.3
                            Travel S [m]
                           0     0.50  1.00  1.50  2.00                                 19.3
                        R       028    038    048
                        H        75    95     115
                        D        68    78     88
                        K       130    160    195
                        The required clearance height: H F  = H + 15mm (with 0.3kg/m fi ll weight)
                       228 More information

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