P. 401
E2/000 | e-chains 2400·2500 | Further accessories 2400
e-chains with extender crossbar | Product Range
44.9 90.9
25005.05.D36 25005.10.D36 25/41.1
49.4 41 ø36 41 ø36
57 103
73.2 119.2
e-chains ® with extender crossbars - large increase of the interior space for the smooth guiding of large hoses.
Suitable for hoses with a maximum outer diameter of 36mm.
Part No. e-chains ® Part No. e-chains ® Bi Ba R Available bend radii
Extender crossbars Extender crossbars
openable along inner radius openable along outer radius [mm] [mm] [mm]
2400.05D36 .R.0 2500.05D36 .R.0 57 73 | 055* | 075 | 100 | 125 | 150 | 175 | 200 | 225 | 250 |
2400.10D36 .R.0 2500.10D36 .R.0 103 119 | 055* | 075 | 100 | 125 | 150 | 175 | 200 | 225 | 250 |
* Radius 055 only possible with e-chains ® series 2500, openable along outer radius!
Complete Part No. with required radius (R). Example: 2500.05D36.100.0
Interior separation for e-chains with extender crossbars
2.5 Standard separator, wide base
Separator e-chain ® with
Separator with a wide base for maximum holding force.
extender crossbars
47 41 As standard separators are fi tted every 2 nd e-chain ® link!
unassembled 25/41.1
assembled 25/41.1.1
Horizontal separation
2.5 Shelf, Full-width shelf locks securely into separators at both ends,
X -1 lockable
giving a fi xed width. Can be used as full-width or partial
unassembled 2300.X
assembled 2310.X
Separator with integrated strain relief teeth
● Can be integrated into the mounting bracket or placed at any point
● Combines strain relief and interior separation, for restricted space conditions
● Strain relief separator is easy to assemble without any screws
Part No. 2020.Z - more information From page 1428
Aluminium support tray
● Corrosion-resistant and seawater-resistant aluminium rails with adjustable width
● Noise-reducing glide strip integrated as standard
● Easy installation and connection of the e-chain ®
● Open design - dirt and debris fall through
More information From page 1362
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 399
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05.06.23 18:35
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