P. 46
Technical details | zipper
Legend Opening Series / Inner height Inner width Outer height Outer width Bend radius
● Standard principle product hi [mm] + from - to ha [mm] from - to from - to
❍ Suitable only to a limited extent ≤ ø [mm] Bi [mm] Ba [mm] R [mm]
▲ Possible as an option ≤ ø
hi ha R
■ Especially suitable mm
Bi Ba
zipper - zip fastening e-chains and e-tubes
e-chains | Crossbars on a strip - zip-open along the outer radius
047 9 ø 7 10 - 16 12.5 16 - 22 018 - 038
07 10.3 ø 8 6 - 64 15 12,5 - 71 018 - 048
09 15 ø 12 10 - 64 19.3 18.2 - 72.2 028 - 048
15 17 ø 15 15 - 100 24 26 - 113 038 - 180
17 32 ø 28 15 - 100 39 25.5 - 113 063 - 125
e-tubes | Lids on a strip - zip-open along the outer radius
R07 10.3 ø 8 10 - 50 15 16.5 - 57 038 - 048
R09 15 ø 12.5 10 - 50 19.3 18.2 - 58.2 048 - 100
R15 17 ø 15 25 - 80 24 36 - 94 063 - 180
R17 32 ø 28 15 - 63 39 26 - 74 063 - 125
44 Find the perfect e-chain quickly nder
05.06.23 18:17
02B)-ASEAN-QUICK-TECHNICAL DETAILS-2022.indd 44 05.06.23 18:17