P. 542
E4.1L | Introduction | Advantages
Attachment from
any side with KMA The best
mounting brackets
combination of
strength and low
Cost-eff ective:
optimised internal
space weight - E4.1L
Signifi cantly reduce assembly and harnessing
Easy fi lling: time with the E4.1L(ean). Whether as an
openable from e-chain or a chip-proof energy tube, with its
both sides sleek design and matching accessories the
E4.1L brings maximum effi ciency at a cost-
eff ective price. An easily accessible interior,
Precise partitions: improved crossbars and separators and the
notch crossbar new honeycomb strain relief system result in
with visual scale an 80% faster installation. Easily adaptable to
any application due to the modular design,
Fast assembly: this universal solution makes optimal use of
e-chains and the space, is lighter than the alternatives and
e-tubes openable yet extremely strong. A cable-friendly interior
along the inner ensures a long service life for the cables. The
and outer radius, E4.1L reduces downtime and the installation
from both sides and maintenance time whilst saving time and
money in operation and acquisition.
No pretension: Typical industries and applications
NC version by rotating ● Machine Tools ● General Mechanical
the outer link Engineering ● If the stability of the E2/000 is
not enough for you, but an E4.1 is oversized
very tightly
sealed lids
Electrically conductive ESD e-chains ®
upon request
High strength
High strength:
due to undercut
design iF product design award
2014 for series R4.1L
Straight run:
due to inner/outer
link principle
540 Explore the benefi ts
05.06.23 18:40
08)-ASEAN-E4-1LEAN-2022.indd 540
08)-ASEAN-E4-1LEAN-2022.indd 540 05.06.23 18:40