P. 570

E4.48L   E4.1L | Series E4.48L·R4.48L | Further accessories
                                Extension links

                                                                    Bi1       Bi2        Bi3

                                                                        16       95  75       ø 5.6
                                                                 22.5  Bi + 12  Bi + 12.5  Bi + 12
                                                                      Bi1 + 12 + Bi2 + 12.5 + Bi3 + 12 ±3
                                                                     (Bi1 + 12 + Bi2 + 12.5 + Bi3 + 12) + 13 ±3
                       Extension links | For extremely wide e-chains  up to 2.0m with 50% more fi ll weight
                       ●  Extension link e-chains ®  for 50% higher fi ll weight extension link up to widths of 2.0m and more
                       ●  For heavy fi ll weights or e-chains ®  with many heavy cables next to each other
                       ●  e-chains ®  and e-tubes can be combined
                       Part number              Part number             Part number
                       Extension link e-chain ®  Extension link e-tube  Extension link as an individual part
                       E4.48L.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R.0   R4.48L.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R.0  E4.48ML.R.

                       Complete Part No.with the width index Bi1/Bi2/Bi3/etc. and the radius (R). Example: E4.48L.175/175/175.150.0

                         Increase of the fi ll weight per extension link

                          Normal      +50%              +100%                    +150%
                         fi ll weight  more fi ll weight  more fi ll weight      more fi ll weight

                       568 More information

                                                                                             05.06.23   18:41
                    08)-ASEAN-E4-1LEAN-2022.indd   568                                       05.06.23   18:41
                    08)-ASEAN-E4-1LEAN-2022.indd   568
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